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Celebrating 40 years of independent publishing, LRP is known for its cutting-edge, high-quality scholarly books and textbooks in politics, the social sciences, and the humanities. Our imprints include FirstForumPress, Kumarian Press, and Three Continents Press, and we distribute books for Holmes & Meier Publishers, HSRC Press, and The Jamestown Foundation.

Moving toward a more peaceful world . . .


Abolishing War

Abolishing War

Winston E. Langley

Is it possible to abolish war? This is the fundamental question animating Winston Langley's new book. And, though many will disagree, it is a question to which the author is persuaded the answer is yes. Far from being utopian ideals, Langley argues, international security and peace are attainable, as are their necessary corollaries: protection of the environment, conservation of natural    More >

Opting Out of War: Strategies to Prevent Violent Conflict

Opting Out of War: Strategies to Prevent Violent Conflict

Mary B. Anderson and Marshall Wallace

A Global Observatory Must-Read Book in Peace and Security! How do ordinary people, neither pacifists nor peace activists, come to decide collectively to eschew violent conflict and then develop strategies for maintaining their region as a nonwar area despite myriad pressures to the contrary? Mary Anderson and Marshall Wallace analyze the experiences of thirteen nonwar communities that made    More >

 Banning the Bomb: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Banning the Bomb: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Jean Krasno and Elisabeth Szeli

Frustrated by the abrogation of promises by nuclear weapons states to disarm, countries that have foregone nuclear weapons joined forces with key members of civil society in efforts that culminated in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). How did this initiative succeed—in defiance of the major powers—in changing the discourse around nuclear weapons? What roles    More >

Mediation and Governance in Fragile Contexts: Small Steps to Peace

Mediation and Governance in Fragile Contexts: Small Steps to Peace

Dekha Ibrahim Abdi and Simon J. A. Mason

The result of a long collaboration between a Kenyan-Somali mediator and a Swiss scholar-practitioner, Mediation and Governance in Fragile Contexts introduces an innovative, practical approach to resolving an enduring issue: How can conflicts be resolved in polarized societies? This approach breaks out of the insider/outsider dichotomy to develop a framework for achieving peace in the most    More >

Connecting Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation

Connecting Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation

Elisabeth Porter

Can postconflict states achieve both peace and justice as they deal with a traumatic past? What role does reconciliation play in healing wounds, building trust, and rectifying injustices? This provocative book, incorporating the frameworks of both peace/conflict studies and transitional justice, explores the core challenges that war-torn states confront once the violence has ended. The book is    More >

Practical Approaches to Peacebuilding: Putting Theory to Work

Practical Approaches to Peacebuilding: Putting Theory to Work

Pamina Firchow and Harry Anastasiou, editors

What is sustainable peacebuilding? And what is the relationship between empirical realities and theoretical approaches to the subject? The authors of Practical Approaches to Peacebuilding present a series of case studies from around the world to explore how various peacebuilding theories engage and interact with lived experiences, and also to elaborate useful new theoretical perspectives.    More >



We are delighted to announce our first foray into Open Access publishing (with the support of De Gruyter’s eBound Foundation) Redefining Development: The Extraordinary Genesis of the Sustainable Development Goals has just been flipped to open on’s groundbreaking platform. is a direct response to both the growing demand for OA scholarship and the urgent need to address the global challenges identified in the United Nations SDGs. So, we all felt that it was essential that the inaugural UPLO collection include Redefining Development, written by Paula Caballero and Patti Londoño, two key players in the development and adoption of the SDGs.