Debating Global Development
  • 2024/287 pages

Debating Global Development

Daniel P. L. Chong and Capri Gutiérrez
Hardcover: $110.00
ISBN: 978-1-962551-00-7
Paperback: $35.00
ISBN: 978-1-962551-01-4
Ebook: $35.00
ISBN: 978-1-962551-16-8
Although global development and the alleviation of poverty are universal goals, experts frequently disagree heatedly about how to achieve them. The debates go on: Is liberalization the best way to stimulate economic growth, or should the state take a more active role? Is foreign aid effective in strengthening low-income countries? How should we deal with the challenges associated with poverty, such as climate change, civil war, hunger, and health crises? What entities are most capable of addressing these challenges effectively?

Debating Global Development introduces the theory and practice of development by examining fifteen such controversies in the field. Presenting strong, evidence-based arguments on all sides of each controversy, the book encourages readers to think critically and to construct their own well-grounded opinions.

Daniel P. L. Chong is professor of political science at Rollins College. Capri Gutiérrez is a Fulbright Scholar conducting research on child victims of the 1986-2006 war in northern Uganda.

Also of interest: 
Understanding Development: Theory and Practice in the Third World, 3rd Edition by John Rapley, Development and Underdevelopment: The Political Economy of Global Inequality, 5th edition by Mitchell A. Seligson and John T Passé-Smith, editors, and Making Aid Work:  Dueling with Dictators and Warlords in the Middle East and North Africa by Guilain Denoeux, Robert Springborg, and Hicham Alaoui