Israel Under Netanyahu: Populism and Democratic Decline
  • 2025/169 pages

Israel Under Netanyahu:

Populism and Democratic Decline

Neta Oren
Hardcover: $95.00 $45.00
ISBN: 978-1-962551-42-7
Ebook: $95.00 $45.00
ISBN: 978-1-962551-43-4
Discussions of democratic backsliding typically include examples from Hungary, Poland, Turkey, and even the United States, but rarely a mention of Israel. Neta Oren asks: Should scholars include Israel in this list? Should Benjamin Netanyahu be considered a populist leader? Are there lessons about populism and democratic decline to be learned from the Israeli case?

Answering yes to each of these questions, Oren analyzes the related phenomena of populism and the erosion of Israel’s democracy during Netanyahu’s long tenure as prime minister. Her book contributes to an enhanced understanding of not only contemporary Israel, but also democratic backsliding and populism overall.
Neta Oren is an affiliate faculty member at the Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University.

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