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Prison Homicide: Killing and Dying in Prison Today

Joshua S. Long
Prison Homicide: Killing and Dying in Prison Today
ISBN: 978-1-962551-52-6
$120.00 $45.00
Forthcoming December 2024/350 pages
Special price for a limited time only!
"The inner happenings of prisons are incredibly difficult to study, but Long has managed to do so while also providing a broader understanding of the consequences of mass incarceration.... Impressive." —Daniel Butler, Iowa State University


The media frequently hype the notion that US prisons, overcrowded and understaffed, are deadly places. Are they correct? How many people actually die in prison, and from what causes? Who are the victims? The perpetrators? How reliable are the available data?

Joshua Long addresses these questions in his rich, in-depth study of killing and dying in carceral settings. Incorporating numerous case studies and interviews of prisoners, correctional officers, and family members, his analysis illuminates the scope, nature, and patterns of prison homicides.


Joshua S. Long is assistant professor in the School of Criminology and Justice Studies at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.


  • Killing and Dying in Prison.
  • Misunderstanding Prison Homicides.
  • Reporting and Classifying Deaths.
  • Comparing Motivations.
  • Theories of Prison Violence.
  • Prison Subcultures and Convict Justice.
  • Gang Violence.
  • Prison Riots.
  • Homicides of Correctional Officers.
  • Homicides Committed by Correctional Officers.
  • Rare Homicides: Women, Transgender, and Juvenile Prisoners.
  • Homicides in Local Jails.
  • Situational Crime Prevention in Prison.
  • Making Prisons Safer.
  • Appendix: Proposal for a Standardized Death in Custody Report.