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Ending the Nuclear Arms Race: A Physicist’s Quest

Frank N. von Hippel
Ending the Nuclear Arms Race: A Physicist’s Quest
ISBN: 978-1-962551-58-8
$110.00 $55.00
Forthcoming December 2024/285 pages
Special price for a limited time only!


Frank N. von Hippel shares his remarkable journey as a key figure in the history of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, illuminating the far-reaching consequences of nuclear accidents and the devastating impact of "limited" nuclear war.

Speaking out about the dangers of nuclear power, leading the opposition against nuclear breeder reactors, meeting with Soviet leaders and colleagues such as Mikhail Gorbachev and physicist and human rights advocate Andrei Sakharov, serving as president of the Federation of American Scientists, von Hippel played a pivotal role in the nuclear freeze movement. He was also involved in monitoring the Soviet Union's unilateral nuclear test moratorium in the mid-1980s. His book offers an intimate look at the complex world of nuclear arms control from the 1980s to the present.


Frank N. von Hippel is senior research physicist and professor emeritus of public and international affairs in Princeton University's Program on Science and Global Security, which he cofounded.


  • Introduction.
  • Searching for a Way to Contribute.
  • At Stanford During the Vietnam War.
  • Reactor Safety.
  • "Limited" Nuclear War.
  • President Carter and the "Plutonium Economy."
  • The Iodine Pill.
  • "Freezing" the Nuclear Arms Race.
  • Monitoring Gorbachev's Test Moratorium.
  • Andrei Sakharov and the 1987 Moscow Meeting on Nuclear Disarmament.
  • Steps Toward Nuclear Arms Control.
  • Sea-Launched Cruise Missiles, Nuclear Warhead Detection, and the Black Sea Experiments.
  • Visiting a Plutonium City.
  • The End of the Cold War.
  • Arms Control in a New World.
  • Fifteen More US Nuclear Tests?
  • Securing Russia's Nuclear Weapons Assets.
  • Nuclear Nonproliferation and Safety.
  • Time to Rejoin the Outside World.
  • Stopping the Bush Administration's Push to Reprocess Spent Nuclear Fuel.
  • The Obama Administration and Arms Control.
  • Looking Forward.
  • Looking Back.