- 2025/341 pages
Comparative Foreign Policy:
Choices and Strategies in International Relations
Hardcover: $115.00
ISBN: 978-1-962551-73-1
Paperback: $39.95
ISBN: 978-1-962551-74-8
Ebook: $39.95
ISBN: 978-1-962551-75-5
Clearly written, authoritative, pedagogically sound ... This new text effectively links cases and theory to provide students with a thorough understanding of the ways that foreign policy is crafted and carried out in diverse countries around the world.
Grounding his approach in dominant IR theories—and ranging from great powers to small states—Neal Jesse provides the comparative perspective needed to make clear the connections between theory and practice in the conduct of foreign affairs.
Grounding his approach in dominant IR theories—and ranging from great powers to small states—Neal Jesse provides the comparative perspective needed to make clear the connections between theory and practice in the conduct of foreign affairs.