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Primer in Radical Criminology: Critical Perspectives on Crime, Power, and Identity, 4th edition

Michael J. Lynch and Raymond Michalowski
This acclaimed textbook insightfully frames the problem of crime in relation to class, race, gender, culture, and history.  More >

Prison Homicide: Killing and Dying in Prison Today

Joshua S. Long
The media frequently hype the notion that US prisons, overcrowded and understaffed, are deadly places. Are they correct? How many people actually die in prison, and from what causes? Who are the victims? The perpetrators? How reliable are the available data? Joshua Long addresses these questions in his rich, in-depth study of killing and dying in carceral settings. Incorporating numerous case  More >

Prison Life in Popular Culture: From "The Big House" to "Orange Is the New Black"

Dawn K. Cecil
Through the centuries, prisons were closed institutions, full of secrets and shrouded in mystery. But modern media culture has opened the gates. Dawn Cecil explores decades of popular culture—from Golden Age Hollywood films to YouTube videos, from newspapers to beer labels, hip-hop music, and children's books—to reveal how prison imagery shapes our understanding of who commits  More >

Prison Sex: Practice and Policy

Christopher Hensley, editor
Sex in prison remains a taboo topic, largely ignored by scientists and society alike. This comprehensive volume explores prison sex, presenting original research on consensual and nonconsensual intercourse, as well as the effects of conjugal visitation policies, HIV/AIDS management, and the treatment of sexually assaulted inmates. The authors also shed light on the sexual hierarchies that form in  More >

Prisoner Reentry at Work: Adding Business to the Mix

Melvin Delgado
Convicted offenders need jobs when they leave prison—but few people want to hire them. Spotlighting this thorny issue, Melvin Delgado explores the potential role of business enterprises in providing work to former prisoners and helping them to reconnect with their home communities. Delgado documents the unconventional approaches of nonprofit businesses that deliberately and exclusively  More >

Privileged Places: Race, Residence, and the Structure of Opportunity

Gregory D. Squires and Charis E. Kubrin
Now priced for course use! In the United States today, quality of life depends heavily on where one lives—but high levels of racial segregation in residential communities make it frustratingly difficult to disentangle the effects of place from those of race. Gregory Squires and Charis Kubrin tackle these issues head-on, exploring how inequities resulting from the intersection of race and  More >

Problem-Oriented Policing and Crime Prevention, 2nd edition

Anthony A. Braga
Instead of merely reacting to crimes once they've been committed, can police agencies learn how to prevent offenses from occurring? Anthony Braga’s comprehensive analysis demonstrates clearly how the emerging problem-oriented policing approach is proving effective in preventing a wide range of criminal activities. Problem-Oriented Policing and Crime Prevention is the only book  More >

Problem-Oriented Policing: From Innovation to Mainstream

Johannes Knutsson, editor
The ten papers in this anthology discuss how to expand the impact of problem-oriented policing on the everyday worold of policing and crime prevention.  More >

Profiting from Peace: Managing the Resource Dimensions of Civil War

Karen Ballentine and Heiko Nitzschke, editors
Providing both a means and a motive for armed conflict, the continued access of combatants in contemporary civil wars to lucrative natural resources has often served to counter the incentives for peace. Profiting from Peace offers the first comprehensive assessment of the practical strategies and tools that might be used effectively, by both international and state actors, to help reduce the  More >

Progress of the World’s Women 2002: Volume 2, Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals

United Nations Development Fund for Women
Tackling the challenges of tracking and determining progress for women relative to the commitments made in the Millennium Development Goals of 2000, this report outlines goals, targets, and indicators using comparative data; charts female literacy, enrollment in education, wage employment, seats in government, and infection with HIV/AIDS; and highlights innovations in measuring and monitoring  More >
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