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Banning the Bomb: The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Jean Krasno and Elisabeth Szeli
Frustrated by the abrogation of promises by nuclear weapons states to disarm, countries that have foregone nuclear weapons joined forces with key members of civil society in efforts that culminated in the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). How did this initiative succeed—in defiance of the major powers—in changing the discourse around nuclear weapons? What roles  More >

Jordan, Palestine, and the Politics of Collective Identity: A History

Asher Susser
In a sweeping narrative, Asher Susser traces the evolution of Jordanian politics through the prism of the kingdom's policies toward Palestine and the Palestinians. Susser shows how the triangular relationship involving Jordan, the Palestinians, and Israel—from the creation of the Emirate of Transjordan in 1921 to the present—came to influence the Jordanians' sense of  More >

"Pariah States" and Sanctions in the Middle East: Iraq, Libya, Sudan

Tim Niblock
Now Available in Paperback! UN sanctions have become an increasingly popular weapon in the political armory of the international community—a supposedly effective means, short of war, of bringing a transgressor state- back in line. Tim Niblock challenges this view in a dispassionate analysis of the political, economic, and psychological impact of sanctions on the Middle East's  More >

#FeesMustFall and Its Aftermath: Violence, Wellbeing, and the Student Movement in South Africa

Thierry M. Luescher, Angelina Wilson Fadiji, Keamogetse G. Morwe, Antonio Erasmus, Tshireletso S. Letsoalo, and Seipati B. Mokhema
At first a small student protest against high fees at Wits University and the lack of government funding for higher education, the #FeesMustFall movement spread quickly, and violently, to other South African campuses. #FeesMustFall tells the gripping story of the student activists' experiences during a year-long struggle that began in October 2015; it is also a story of the sacrifices that  More >

1,001 Proverbs from Tunisia

Issac Yetiv
The son of a Tunisian Jewish family, Yetiv attempts to preserve some of the wisdom contained in a tradition that may be dying out. Each proverb is presented in transliterated Arabic, with both a literal English translation and an alternative translation that provides a context more familiar to a Western reader.  More >

A Cautionary Tale: Failed U.S. Development Policy in Central America

Michael E. Conroy, Douglas L. Murray, and Peter M. Rosset
Neither structural adjustment policies, nor industrialization, nor traditional agricultural exports have led to sustained economic growth and social equity in Central America. Seeking to reinvigorate the region's struggling economies, U.S. AID—supported by the World Bank and the IMF—designed a new development policy, one based on nontraditional agricultural exports. Crops ranging  More >

A Civil Republic: Beyond Capitalism and Nationalism

Severyn T. Bruyn
Severyn T. Bruyn argues that—in a world of injustice, ecological destruction, violence and instability, weapons of mass destruction, and the rise of authoritarian government—our ability to craft a secure future lies in creating a "civil republic." Bruyn envisions a system of governance that merges core human values of civil society into a political economy that has reigned  More >

A Concise History of the European Union

Desmond Dinan
What explains the remarkable evolution of the European Union since its emergence in the early 1990s? How has the EU coped with a series of severe shocks, ranging from the euro crisis to Brexit to Russia's invasion of Ukraine? How is it dealing with the rise of illiberal democracy in some of its member states? And why is it more contested, while at the same time more relevant, than ever  More >

A Critical History of Southern Rhodesia

Gardner Thompson
Gardner Thompson offers a fresh history of British rule in Southern Rhodesia, from the first colonial settlements in Mashonaland in the 1890s to the establishment of the country's sovereignty as Zimbabwe. After tracing developments in the early decades, Thompson turns to the post–World War II debate about the colony's future direction—which pitted progressive settlers  More >

A Dance of Masks: Senghor, Achebe, and Soyinka

Jonathan A. Peters
Peters searches for themes about African self-identity by exploring images of the mask in the poetry of Senghor, the fiction of Achebe, and the drama of Soyinka. His focus is not on the mask as a physical object, but as a concept—a dynamic interplay that involves both the mask and its wearer. Within this interplay, he finds important insights about Africanness as defined by three of the  More >