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Postconflict Development: Meeting New Challenges

Gerd Junne and Willemijn Verkoren, editors
With the proliferation of civil wars since the end of the Cold War, many developing countries now exist in a "postconflict" environment, posing enormous development challenges for the societies affected, as well as for international actors. Postconflict Development addresses these challenges in a range of vital sectors—security, justice, economic policy, education, the media,  More >

Postconflict Elections, Democratization, and International Assistance

Krishna Kumar, editor
On the Humanitarian Times list of the Top Ten Books of 1998! With the resolution of intrastate conflicts in Africa, Central America, and Southeast Asia, and with new hope for the peaceful settlement of many still-existing conflicts, attention is turning to the issue of “free and fair” elections. This book examines the nature of postconflict (transition) elections, as well as the role  More >

Poststructuralism and International Relations: Bringing the Political Back In

Jenny Edkins
Offering a sophisticated introduction to the major post­structuralist thinkers, this book shows how Fou­cault, Derrida, Lacan, and Žižek expose the depoliticization found in conventional international relations theory. Edkins argues that, contrary to the opinions of their detractors, the poststructuralists are concerned with the big questions of international politics: it is precisely  More >

Poverty and Development in Latin America: Public Policies and Development Pathways

Henry Veltmeyer and Darcy Tetreault, editors
Why, despite some five decades of international development efforts, is poverty still so widespread in Latin America? More specifically, what are the root causes of poverty? How can it be overcome? What meaningful progress has resulted from the "war against poverty"? Through a critical analysis of public policies and development pathways, the authors of Poverty and Development in Latin  More >

Poverty and Inequality: Diagnosis, Prognosis, Responses

Crain Soudien, Vasu Reddy, and Ingrid Woolard, editors
Can the interconnected problems of poverty and inequality in South Africa be explained in ways that are distinctive from those that apply in other contexts and countries? How can efforts to solve these problems fruitfully move forward? Is taxation on wealth the answer? Addressing these and related questions, the authors provide a textured understanding of the multiple issues involved.  More >

Power and Security in Northeast Asia: Shifting Strategies

Byung-Kook Kim and Anthony Jones, editors
As China's influence rises and the US attempts to retain its primacy in Northeast Asia, the countries of the region are reconsidering their own security needs—and availing themselves of new opportunities. Power and Security in Northeast Asia explores the complexities of current security strategies in the region, revealing motivations and policies not often considered by traditional  More >

Power and Succession in Arab Monarchies: A Reference Guide

Joseph A. Kéchichian
Power and Succession in Arab Monarchies provides an essential compendium of information regarding the politically charged issue of succession in Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Based on scarce source material and a wide range of inside information, this exhaustive reference: traces the rise of each ruling family outlines key  More >

Power Politics in Zimbabwe

Michael Bratton
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Zimbabwe's July 2013 election brought the country's "inclusive" power-sharing interlude to an end and installed Mugabe and ZANU-PF for yet another—its seventh—term. Why? What explains the resilience of authoritarian rule in Zimbabwe? Tracing the country's elusive search for political stability across the decades, Michael  More >

Power Sector Reform and Regulation in Africa: Lessons from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia and Ghana

Joseph Kapika and Anton Eberhard
Discusses the historical evolution of the power sector, the development of power-sector reform policy and its implementation, the entry of IPPs and emergency electric suppliers, the performance of state-owned utilities, and independent regulation of the power sector in six African countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia and Ghana.  More >

Power Sharing and Power Relations After Civil War

Caroline A. Hartzell and Andreas Mehler, eds.
There are numerous studies on the role of power-sharing agreements in the maintenance of peace in postconflict states. Less explored, however, is the impact of power sharing on the quality of the peace. Do power-sharing institutions in fact transform the balance of power among actors in the aftermath of civil wars?  And if so, how? As they address these issues, seeking to establish a new  More >
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