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Progress of the World’s Women 2008/2009: Who Answers to Women? Gender and Accountability

Progress of the World’s Women 2008/2009 presents new data providing clear evidence that women's empowerment and gender equality are key drivers for reducing poverty, building food security, reducing maternal mortality, safeguarding the environment, and enhancing the effectiveness of aid.  More >

Prohibiting Chemical and Biological Weapons: Multilateral Regimes and Their Evolution

Alexander Kelle
Whether in the arsenals of states or of terrorist groups, chemical and biological weapons (CBW) are increasingly seen as one of the major threats to global security. Alexander Kelle provides a comprehensive assessment of the multilateral prohibition regimes that have been established to confront the risks posed by CBW in the context of rapid scientific and technological advances.  More >

Project Planning and Analysis for Development

David Potts
In this comprehensive, practical guide to project planning and appraisal in developing countries, David Potts focuses on economic and financial analysis, but also gives serious weight to such key factors as sustainability and social impact. Part 1 of the book considers a range of approaches to project identification and design and introduces basic techniques for determining costs and benefits.  More >

Prologue to Revolution: Cuba, 1898-1958

Jorge Ibarra, translated by Marjorie Moore
This landmark study traces economic development, social dynamics, and political processes in Cuba from the end of Spanish colonial rule to the triumph of the 1959 revolution. Ibarra explores the complex and compelling relationship between North American capital investment and the formation—and deformation—of Cuba's national institutions. Focusing especially on class structures,  More >

Promises Not Kept: Poverty and the Betrayal of Third World Development, 7th edition

John Isbister
The seventh edition of this perennial favorite includes discussions of major initiatives such as the Millennium Development Goals, changes in international politics and approaches to global terrorism following the US-led military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, and updated throughout.  More >

Promoting Authoritarianism Abroad

Rachel Vanderhill
Recent years have seen efforts by several states to promote authoritarianism abroad, garnering the attention of foreign policy analysts—and raising a number of questions. What determines the success or failure of these efforts? How does the relationship between international and domestic politics play out? Do states comply with external pressures for ideological reasons, or primarily to  More >

Promoting Corporate Citizenship: Opportunities for Business and Civil Society Engagement

Laurie Regelbrugge, editor

Promoting Democracy in Postcommunist Ukraine: The Contradictory Outcomes of US Aid to Women’s NGOs

Kateryna Pishchikova
Considerable material and human resources are devoted to building democratic institutions around the world. Why, then, do assistance programs fail to meet their proclaimed goals? And why aren't these programs changed or abandoned when they fail? Using US assistance to women's NGOs in postcommunist Ukraine as a case study, Kateryna Pishchikova shows why democracy promotion programs have a  More >

Promoting Democracy in Postconflict Societies

Jeroen de Zeeuw and Krishna Kumar, editors
Few would dispute the importance of donating funds and expertise to conflict-ridden societies—but such aid, however well meant, often fails to have the intended effect. This study critically evaluates international democratization assistance in postconflict societies to discern what has worked, what has not, and how aid programs can be designed to have a more positive impact. The authors  More >

Promoting Independent Media: Strategies for Democracy Assistance

Krishna Kumar
Krishna Kumar surveys the nature and significance of international aid designed to build and strengthen independent news media in support of democratization and development. Providing the first comprehensive coverage of media assistance programs, Kumar discusses the evolution, focus, and overall impact of a range of intervention strategies. He also presents seven in-depth case studies based on  More >
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