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The Palestinian People: Seeking Sovereignty and State

Mustafa Kabha
Mustafa Kabha plumbs the complex story of the Palestinian people, from the revolts of 1936-1939 to the present, focusing on their efforts to establish a viable independent state—and the internal factors that have thwarted them. With unparalleled access to primary sources, as well as secondary material in Arabic, Hebrew, and English, Kabha provides an abundance of new information in a  More >

Women, Islam, and Resistance in the Arab World

Maria Holt and Haifaa Jawad
How are women in the Arab world negotiating the male-dominated character of Islamist movements? Is their participation in the Islamic political project—including violent resistance against foreign invasion and occupation—the result of coercion, or of choice? Questioning assumptions about female powerlessness in Muslim societies, Maria Holt and Haifaa Jawad explore the resistance  More >

How Change Happens—or Doesn’t: The Politics of US Public Policy

Elaine C. Kamarck
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! How do transformative changes in public policy take place? Why do some issues rise to the top of the political agenda, while others are completely ignored? What makes some major policy initiatives succeed—at times, even when the odds are decidedly against them—while others fail or languish for decades? Answering those questions is the purpose of  More >

Contested Ecologies: Dialogues in the South on Nature and Knowledge

Lesley Green, editor
The chapters in this collection contest the framework of knowledge that has deadlocked nature and culture, tradition and modernity, scientific and indigenous, and in doing so makes a case for the value of rethinking knowledge beyond the nature-culture divide.  More >

One-Party Dominance in African Democracies

Renske Doorenspleet and Lia Nijzink, editors
Is the dominance of one political party a problem in an emerging democracy, or simply an expression of the will of the people? Why has one-party dominance endured in some African democracies and not in others? What are the mechanisms behind the varying party-system trajectories? Considering these questions, the authors of this collaborative work use a rigorous comparative research design and rich  More >

Power Sector Reform and Regulation in Africa: Lessons from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia and Ghana

Joseph Kapika and Anton Eberhard
Discusses the historical evolution of the power sector, the development of power-sector reform policy and its implementation, the entry of IPPs and emergency electric suppliers, the performance of state-owned utilities, and independent regulation of the power sector in six African countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia and Ghana.  More >

My Memoirs: Half a Century of the History of Iraq and the Arab Cause

Tawfiq al-Suwaydi, translated by Nancy Roberts and with an Introduction by Antony T. Sullivan
These memoirs of the distinguished Iraqi statesman Tawfiq al-Suwaydi (1892-1968) evocatively recapture a now largely vanished Arab world—and are an eloquent reminder that Iraq was once a far more open and tolerant society than it is today. Al-Suwaydi served as Iraq's prime minister three times (1929, 1946, 1950), as foreign minister on numerous occasions, and as ambassador to Iran,  More >

Annual Review of Global Peace Operations, 2013

Center on International Cooperation
The 2013 Annual Review of Global Peace Operations provides comprehensive information on all current military and—for the first time—civilian peace operations, more than 130 missions, launched by the United Nations, by regional organizations, and by coalitions. Unique in its breadth of coverage, it presents the most detailed collection of data on peace operations available. Features  More >

Assessing the War on Terror

Mohammed Ayoob and Etga Ugur, editors
Was the US-led war on terror, especially the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, a necessary response to the September 11 terrorist attacks? What did the two invasions accomplish? How have the fortunes of al-Qaeda and like-minded organizations been affected? The authors of this important contribution to ongoing debates address these questions as they assess the impact and implications of the war on  More >

US Politics and Climate Change: Science Confronts Policy

Glen Sussman and Byron W. Daynes
Why is climate change the subject of such vehement political rhetoric in the United States?  What explains the policy deadlock that has existed for nearly two decades—and that has resulted in the failure of US leadership in the international arena? Addressing these questions, Glen Sussman and Byron Daynes trace the evolution of US climate change policy, assess how key players—the  More >
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