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Continuing La Causa: Organizing Labor in California’s Strawberry Fields

Gilbert Felipe Mireles
Gilbert Mireles explores the legendary United Farm Workers' campaign to organize laborers—predominantly Latino immigrants—in California's strawberry industry. Tracing the UFW's actions from the picking fields to the world of government offices and corporate boardrooms, Mireles shows how the very traits that made the union such a successful advocate for farm workers also  More >

Cuba Under Raúl Castro: Assessing the Reforms

Carmelo Mesa-Lago and Jorge Pérez-López
What led to the dramatic social and economic reforms introduced by Cuba's president Raúl Castro? How effective have those reforms been? And what obstacles does Castro face in overcoming the country's chronic socioeconomic woes? Cuba Under Raúl Castro addresses these questions, offering a comprehensive analysis of the president's efforts during his first six years in  More >

Presidentialism: Power in Comparative Perspective

Michael L. Mezey
In countries as diverse as Brazil, Ecuador, France, Russia, South Africa, and the United States, presidents have come to dominate the politics and political cultures of their nations. Michael Mezey offers a comprehensive cross-national study of the presidency, tracing the historical and intellectual roots of executive power and exploring in detail the contemporary forces that have driven a turn  More >

The Politics of Memory in Chile: From Pinochet to Bachelet

Cath Collins, Katherine Hite, and Alfredo Joignant, editors
How do individual and collective memories of the repressive Pinochet regime affect the fabric of Chilean politics and society today? How have the politics of memory in Chile—including the official policies and symbolic representations that address the painful violations of the past—evolved over the years since Pinochet's demise? The authors of this important new book provide an  More >

Migrant Remittances and Development in the Global Economy

Manuel Orozco
Manuel Orozco moves beyond the numbers to provide a uniquely comprehensive, historically informed overview and analysis of the complex role of migrant remittances in the global economy. How do patterns of migration and remittances differ across regions? What kinds of regulatory and institutional frameworks best support the contributions of remittances to local development? What has been the  More >

Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planning: Toward a Participatory Approach to Human Security

Lisa Schirch
A Global Observatory Must-Read Book in Peace and Security! Offering a systematic approach that links practical conflict-assessment exercises to the design, planning, monitoring, and evaluation of peacebuilding efforts, Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planning has been carefully—and realistically—designed to enhance the effectiveness of peacebuilding practice. Lisa Schirch  More >

Enabling Peace in Guatemala: The Story of MINUGUA

William Stanley
William Stanley tells the absorbing story of the UN peace operation in Guatemala's ten-year endeavor (1994-2004) to build conditions that would sustain a lasting peace in the country. Unusual among UN peace efforts because of its largely civilian nature, its General Assembly mandate, and its heavy reliance on UN volunteers to staff field offices, the mission (MINUGUA) focused initially on  More >

Political Giving: Making Sense of Individual Campaign Contributions

Bertram N. Johnson
Why do some 30 million people in the United States give money to political candidates and causes—even though most individual contributions are irrational from the perspective of a strict cost-benefit analysis? How do campaign fundraisers tap into potential donors' motivations? Exploring three decades of historical data and also drawing extensively on the insights of contemporary campaign  More >

Reflections: An Anthology of New Work by African Women Poets

Anthonia C. Kalu, Juliana Makuchi Nfah-Abbenyi, and Omofolabo Ajayi-Soyinka, editors
This anthology of never-before-published poems showcases a new generation of African women poets, some familiar, some just beginning their literary careers. Their rich voices belie popular stereotypes, reflecting the diversity and dynamism of their environment. As they range across topics encompassing family and personal relationships, politics, war, and the ravages of famine and disease, they  More >

Party Politics and Social Cleavages in Turkey

Ergun Özbudun
Despite radical changes in Turkish politics since the transition to a multiparty system in the mid-1940s, the center-right parties have consistently won an electoral majority. Why? How have they managed to maintain such a firm hold in the face of social cleavages that pit modernizing, secularist state elites against a conservative and pious majority? Ergun Özbudun uses the lens of  More >
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