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Women at War, Women Building Peace: Challenging Gender Norms

Joyce P. Kaufman and Kristen P. Williams
During times of civil conflict and war, why do some women turn to militant action while others seek peaceful resolutions? And why does the answer matter? Tackling these questions in their provocative analysis, Joyce Kaufman and Kristen Williams explore the full range of women's responses to armed struggles.   More >

Offender Reentry: Beyond Crime and Punishment

Elaine Gunnison and Jacqueline B. Helfgott
In this comprehensive exploration of the core issues surrounding offender reentry, Elaine Gunnison and Jacqueline Helfgott highlight the constant tension between policies meant to ensure smooth reintegration and the social forces—especially the stigma of a criminal record—that can prevent it from happening. Gunnison and Helfgott focus on the factors that enhance reentry success as  More >

Finding a Way in International Development: Options for Ethical and Effective Work

Sarah Parkinson
Despite the labyrinthine bureaucracies, frustrating inefficiencies, and disorienting complexities of the "development business," many individuals and groups find their way through and contribute to positive change. How do they do it? What ethical and practical dilemmas do they face, and what strategies do they find most effective for overcoming them? Sarah Parkinson draws on the  More >

Modernizing Women: Gender and Social Change in the Middle East, 3rd edition

Valentine M. Moghadam
Valentine Moghadam's seminal study of the gendered nature of political and social processes in the Middle East and North Africa has been fully updated to reflect more than a decade of major changes. This new edition reflects an emphasis on the impacts of both globalization and democratization. It also  includes entirely new chapters on the gender dynamics of conflicts in the region, on  More >

Responding to Genocide: The Politics of International Action

Adam Lupel and Ernesto Verdeja, editors
What are the causes of genocide and mass atrocities? How can we prevent these atrocities or, when that is no longer possible, intervene to stop them? What are the impediments to timely and robust action? In what ways do political factors shape the nature, and results, of international responses? The authors of Responding to Genocide explore these questions, examining the many challenges involved  More >

Making Sense of International Relations Theory, 2nd edition

Jennifer Sterling-Folker, editor
What does it mean to adopt a realist, or a world systems, or a green approach to international relations? Does the plethora of "isms" have any relevance to the real world of global politics and policymaking? Making Sense of International Relations Theory addresses these questions by illustrating theories in action. With the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the US and its allies as a common  More >

Gender and Foreign Policy in the Clinton Administration

Karen Garner
Though recent US government attention to global women's rights and empowerment is often presented as a new phenomenon, Karen Garner argues that nearly two decades ago the Clinton administration broke barriers to challenge women's unequal status vis-à-vis men around the world and to incorporate their needs into US foreign policy and aid programs. Garner draws on a wide range of  More >

Building a Better International NGO: Greater than the Sum of the Parts?

James Crowley and Morgana Ryan
In the wake of tremendous growth in the size and scope of their activities, as well as the increased complexity of their programs, how can large international NGOs work effectively—so that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts? James Crowley and Morgana Ryan address this question, drawing on their extensive hands-on experience to offer a practical and even provocative guide. The  More >

The New Southern Politics, 2nd edition

J. David Woodard
Current through the November 2012 elections, The New Southern Politics seamlessly integrates a thematic overview of the distinctive political, social, and economic life of eleven southern states with a detailed state-by-state focus. This new edition includes entirely new maps and the latest available data for Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South  More >

Mexico’s Left: The Paradox of the PRD

Dag Mossige
Why has Mexico's political left been in such turmoil since the dramatic 2006 election? What explains the contentious relationship between the country's largest left-wing party, the PRD, and its former presidential candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador? Is the PRD in fact a political party, or instead a much looser political movement? Dag Mossige provides an insightful  More >
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