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China’s Regional Relations: Evolving Foreign Policy Dynamics

Mark Beeson and Fujian Li
Has China's much-discussed "charm offensive" come to an end? Are fears about the country's more assertive foreign policies justified? How will a rising China interact with its regional neighbors? Mark Beeson and Fujian Li address these questions by comprehensively exploring the nature, effectiveness, and implications of China's foreign policy strategy in Asia and Australia.  More >

Policing Protest in Argentina and Chile

Michelle D. Bonner
Winner of the Canadian Political Science Association's Prize in Comparative Politics, 2016! Despite the pervasiveness of electoral democracy in Latin America, the police continue to repress political protests. Why? Does the majority of the public support the repression of protests? If not, whom do they hold accountable, and how? Michelle Bonner offers a new perspective on police reform  More >

Development and Underdevelopment: The Political Economy of Global Inequality, 5th edition

Mitchell A. Seligson and John T Passé-Smith, editors
The fifth edition of this classic reader retains many of the articles that have made the book a must-assign for classes on development and political economy, but has been updated with 14 new chapters that look even more deeply at long-term factors that help to explain the origins and current trends in the gap between rich and poor. An entirely new section focuses on natural resource and  More >

Haiti: Trapped in the Outer Periphery

Robert Fatton Jr.
The inability of the Haitian state to deal with the devastation of the January 2010 earthquake brought into sharp focus Haiti’s desperate social and economic conditions—and raised perplexing questions. What accounts for the country's continuing predicament? Why have repeated attempts at democratic governance failed so abysmally? And what role has the international community  More >

Senior Citizens Behind Bars: Challenges for the Criminal Justice System

John J. Kerbs and Jennifer M. Jolley, editors
Within two decades—if not sooner—at least one in three prisoners in the US will be a "senior citizen." Our prisons, however, were designed for a much younger population. Senior Citizens Behind Bars critically explores the unique set of challenges that older prisoners pose for the criminal justice system. Examining the lack of fit between the needs of older inmates and the  More >

Democratic Chile: The Politics and Policies of a Historic Coalition, 1990–2010

Kirsten Sehnbruch and Peter M. Siavelis, editors
How was Chile transformed both politically and economically during the two decades of center-left coalition (Concertación) government that followed the country's return to democracy in 1990? How did the coalition manage to hold on to power for so long—but not longer? And were its policies in fact substantially different from those that preceded them? Addressing these questions,  More >

Religious Faith in Correctional Contexts

Kent R. Kerley
Kent Kerley explores the issue of religion in prison, offering a rich portrait of religious practices and their impacts. Kerley shows how offenders of all stripes use faith to adapt and survive in difficult institutional settings. He sheds light on the complex processes of religious conversion, discusses the development of tools for "staying straight" in and after prison, and reveals  More >

Sex in Prison: Myths and Realities

Catherine D. Marcum and Tammy L. Castle, editors
Despite being deemed an illegal activity, participation in sexual activity behind prison walls is a frequent occurrence. Catherine Marcum and Tammy Castle provide a comprehensive study of all aspects of prison sex. Incorporating inmate, correctional officer, and policymaker perspectives—and debunking myths—the authors consider the full range of consensual and nonconsensual  More >

The Brazilian Economy: Growth and Development, 7th edition

Werner Baer
In this thorough description and analysis of Latin America's largest economy, Werner Baer traces the trajectory of Brazil's economic development and performance from the colonial period through the early years (2011-2012) of the administration of Dilma Rousseff. In addition to updated information, the seventh edition includes entirely new chapters on the challenges and accomplishments  More >

Prohibiting Chemical and Biological Weapons: Multilateral Regimes and Their Evolution

Alexander Kelle
Whether in the arsenals of states or of terrorist groups, chemical and biological weapons (CBW) are increasingly seen as one of the major threats to global security. Alexander Kelle provides a comprehensive assessment of the multilateral prohibition regimes that have been established to confront the risks posed by CBW in the context of rapid scientific and technological advances.  More >
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