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Political Liberalization & Democratization in the Arab World: V. 1, Theoretical Perspectives

Rex Brynen, Bahgat Korany, and Paul Noble, editors
Long dominated by authoritarian regimes, the Arab World is now experiencing a variety of factors—both internal and external—-that pose the challenge of change. Significant degrees of political liberalization have occurred already in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Kuwait, although the extent to which this presages eventual democratization is far from self-evident. Elsewhere—for  More >

State and Society in China's Political Economy: The Cultural Dynamics of Socialist Reform

Chih-yu Shih
As China's reforms take root, the differences between the traditional value of harmony and the socialist norm of class struggle are becoming increasingly obscured. Chinese citizens are, in fact, theoretically allowed—even encouraged—to be socialist and profit-driven at the same time. Chih-yu Shih looks at this precarious dyad, demonstrating what reform has done to the  More >

Beyond Containment: Reconstructing European Security

Kim Edward Spiezio
This study advances a novel argument about the difficulties the major powers of Europe are likely to encounter in attempting the multilateral management of regional security problems. Spiezio contends that democratic powers are poorly suited to participate in a collective-security regime because they are characterized by domestic political constraints that would inhibit them from honoring the  More >

The State in Transition: Reimagining Political Space

Joseph A. Camilleri, Anthony P. Jarvis, and Albert J. Paolini, editors
Until recently, the bounded, territorial, and sovereign state has been the foundation of modern understandings of political space. Now, however, as the patterns of world politics undergo major transformations through the competing processes of global integration and fragmentation, we are faced with the problem of how to conceptualize new and complex relationships. Further, addressing this problem  More >

Growth and Development: With Special Reference to Developing Economies

A.P. Thirlwall
This widely used textbook is designed to introduce students with a background in micro- and macroeconomics to the challenging subject of development economics, enabling them to understand the development difficulties of the world's poor countries. The book opens with an analysis of the world development "gap" and then introduces such key topics as the measurement of the sources of  More >

Gender, Environment, and Development in Kenya: A Grassroots Perspective

Barbara Thomas-Slayter and Dianne Rocheleau
Linkages among poverty, gender roles, resource decline, and ecological degradation challenge development policy and practice in many parts of the world. This book provides an analytical framework for understanding these linkages, then examines them empirically in six very differing communities in rural Kenya. The authors explore the ways in which community institutions, and specifically women and  More >

Regulation and the Informal Economy: Microenterprises in Chile, Ecuador, and Jamaica

edited by Victor E. Tokman and Emilio Klein
The extent to which the regulatory environment in developing countries influences the characteristics and growth potential of the urban informal sector is an issue much debated today, in large part because of its strong association with policy measures. Of particular concern is the effect of regulations on microenterprises, in terms of both "start up" and the capacity for expansion. This  More >

Shattered Vision [a novel]

Rabah Belamri, translated by Hugh A. Harter
The violence of war leads to the euphoria of Algeria's newly won independence from France—and then quickly deteriorates into a harsh and cynical reality in this brutal yet lyrical autobiographical novel. Shattered Vision (first published in France as Le regard blesse) was awarded the Prix France Culture in 1987.  More >

Legislatures and the New Democracies in Latin America

David Close, editor
Legislatures are indispensable parts of constitutional liberal democracies, controlling and criticizing the executive while voicing a wide range of opinions on public issues. This book examines the role of the legislature in the politics of democratic construction and consolidation in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Uruguay. Analyzing the status and daily operations  More >

The Ship [a novel]

Jabra I. Jabra, translated and introduced by Adnan Haydar and Roger Allen
Jabra's highly acclaimed novel is a masterful exploration of the post-1948 Arab world, with its frustrations, yearnings for homeland, and struggle for survival. As his characters interact on a ship sailing from Beirut to Europe, Jabra exposes them to the elements of spiritual and physical displacement. Some survive; others do not.  More >
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