Gender, Environment, and Development in Kenya: A Grassroots Perspective
  • 1995/200 pages

Gender, Environment, and Development in Kenya:

A Grassroots Perspective

Barbara Thomas-Slayter and Dianne Rocheleau
Paperback: $25.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-836-8
Linkages among poverty, gender roles, resource decline, and ecological degradation challenge development policy and practice in many parts of the world. This book provides an analytical framework for understanding these linkages, then examines them empirically in six very differing communities in rural Kenya. The authors explore the ways in which community institutions, and specifically women and their organizations, respond to changing resource conditions. Looking at gender-based strategies for controlling such critical resources as soil, water, and woodlands, they consider the effects of these strategies on local decisionmaking, changing gender roles, rural stratification, and community relations within the broader social and political environment.
Barbara Thomas-Slayter is associate professor of international development and director of the International Development Program at Clark University. Her publications include Politics, Participation, and Poverty: Development Through Self-Help in Kenya. Dianne Rocheleau is associate professor of geography at Clark University. She has published extensively on women in development, farming systems, and agroforestry.