Political Liberalization & Democratization in the Arab World: V. 1, Theoretical Perspectives
  • 1995/350 pages

Political Liberalization & Democratization in the Arab World:

V. 1, Theoretical Perspectives

Rex Brynen, Bahgat Korany, and Paul Noble, editors
Paperback: $29.95
ISBN: 978-1-55587-579-4
Long dominated by authoritarian regimes, the Arab World is now experiencing a variety of factors—both internal and external—-that pose the challenge of change. Significant degrees of political liberalization have occurred already in Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Kuwait, although the extent to which this presages eventual democratization is far from self-evident. Elsewhere—for example, in Syria—regimes have resisted demands for expanded public freedoms, and in still other countries—notably Sudan, Algeria, and Yemen—democratic experiments have been aborted or derailed by civil strife.

This book focuses on the major factors shaping liberalization and democratization in the Arab context, as well as the role played by particular social groups.

Rex Brynen is associate professor of political science at McGill University. He is author of Sanctuary and Survival: The PLO in Lebanon. Bahgat Korany is professor of political science at the Université de Montréal, and director of the Inter-University Consortium for Arab Studies. His books include How Foreign Policy Decisions are Made and (with M. Flory et al.) Régimes politiques arabes. Paul Noble is associate professor of political science and chair of the Middle East studies program at McGill University, as well as author of numerous articles on Arab politics.