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Politics in Developing Countries, 2nd Edition

Larry Diamond, Juan Linz, and Seymour Martin Lipset, editors
This second edition of the highly regarded Politics in Developing Countries again presents case studies of experiences with democracy in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, along with the editors' synthesis of the factors that facilitate and obstruct the development of democracy around the world. The new edition adds a chapter on South Africa and brings the other nine studies  More >

Latin America's Economic Development: Confronting Crisis, 2nd Edition

James L. Dietz, editor
This revised edition of Latin America's Economic Development continues to provide a heterodox perspective on Latin America's economic problems, with institutional and neostructuralist views dominating. The selections richly convey that there are viable alternatives to the neoliberal approach dominating so much of policymaking, as well as academic debate, since the 1980s. The book  More >

Child of Two Worlds: The Autobiography of a Filipino-American ... or Vice-Versa

Norman Reyes, illustrated by Pete Sapasap
A richly detailed chronicle of a cross-cultural odyssey in the Philippines under U.S. colonial rule. The son of a Filipino father and a North American (Brooklyn-born) mother, Norman Reyes describes a childhood that was divided between two worlds—a mestizo life shaped by the violent drama of historical events. His fast-paced book builds in tension as the assumed safety of Philippine society  More >

The Paradox of the Mexican State: Rereading Sovereignty from Independence toNAFTA

Julie A. Erfani
Exploring the contradictory nature of Mexican statehood, Erfani explains how a weak national state became a symbol of great domestic strength and, although failing in its domestic economic endeavors, supported a long and stable political regime. Erfani focuses on the concept of sovereignty as not only a legal status, but also a political myth. She traces the struggles of Mexico's federal  More >

Apples of Gold in Filigrees of Silver: Jewish Writing in the Eye of the Spanish Inquisition

Colbert I. Nepaulsingh
During the Spanish Inquisition, daring individuals defied and thwarted persecution by writing works in which hidden meanings were apparent only to Jews or fellow conversos, the descendants of Jewish converts to Christianity. Colbert Nepaulsingh analyzes three seminal, sixteenth-century novels as converso works—Lazarillo, a prototype of the picaresque novel; El Abencerraje, of the Moorish  More >

Coping with Capital Surges: The Return of Finance to Latin America

Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Stephany Griffith-Jones, editors
Private capital flows to Latin America have increased dramatically since 1989, approximately doubling in volume each year. This book examines the possible causes and consequences of the new—and unforeseen—wave of investment, from both the borrower and the lender perspectives. The authors first analyze foreign direct investment, securities, and bank lending, considering the motivations  More >

The Multilateral Development Banks: Volume 4, the Inter-American Development Bank

Diana Tussie
The multilateral banks are powerful forces in the international community, providing loans of more than $250 billion to developing countries over the last half-century. The best-known of these, the World Bank, has been studied extensively, but the "regional development banks" are little understood, even within their own geographic regions. This book looks specifically at the policies  More >

The Ecopolitics of Development in the Third World

Robert P. Guimarães
Choice Outstanding Academic Book Honorable Mention, 1992 Sprout Award Equally a study of the ecological foundations of political systems and a detailed analysis of how a particular Third World political system, Brazil's, addresses environmental issues, this unusually engaging book explores the institutional and political dimensions of environmental problems in developing countries. Roberto  More >

Hong Kong, 1997: The Politics of Transition

Enbao Wang
Thoroughly researched and well documented, this accessible book looks at the past, present, and future of Hong Kong. Wang examines China's policy toward the Hong Kong transition in general—including the "one country, two systems" formula, the 1984 Sino-British agreement, and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR)—and also addresses two  More >

Civil Society and the State in Africa

John W. Harbeson, Donald Rothchild, and Naomi Chazan, editors
This seminal book examines the potential value of the concept of civil society for enhancing the current understanding of state-society relations in Africa. The authors review the meanings of civil society in political philosophy, as well as alternative theoretical approaches to employing the concept in African settings. Considering both the patterns of emerging civil society in Africa and issues  More >
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