Asia (all books)

Indonesia: State and Society in Transition
Jemma Purdey, Antje Missbach, and Dave McRae

Indonesia remains a country in transition even now, some two decades after its extraordinary shift from authoritarianism to democracy and from economic crisis to a rapidly growing economy.    More >

China’s Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America and the Caribbean: Conditions and Challenges
Enrique Dussel Peters, editor

In recent years, China's explosive outflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) globally can be measured in the hundreds of billions of dollars, with close to 10 billion of that going each    More >

The Renegotiation of NAFTA. And China?
Enrique Dussel Peters, editor

After more than a year of negotiations, the differences between NAFTA and the new United States–Mexico–Canada agreement (USMCA) are minor—especially considering the initial    More >

Mongolia’s Foreign Policy: Navigating a Changing World
Alicia Campi

Strategically located at the crossroads of Central Asia, China, and Russia, Mongolia has long attracted the attention of major world powers. How has this traditionally nomadic, but resource    More >

Security in Asia Pacific: The Dynamics of Alignment
Thomas S. Wilkins

The complex security dynamics of the pivotal Asia Pacific region, involving disparate and contentious power blocs, clearly have implications far beyond the region itself. Thomas Wilkins    More >

The New ASEAN in Asia Pacific and Beyond
Shaun Narine

Refuting criticisms that call into question the effectiveness, and even the purpose, of ASEAN, Shaun Narine traces the organization's political and economic development and explores its    More >

Nontraditional Security Challenges in Southeast Asia: The Transnational Dimension
Amy L. Freedman and Ann Marie Murphy

With the countries of Southeast Asia increasingly challenged by a plethora of nontraditional security issues—climate change, food and water security, infectious diseases, and migration    More >

China in Africa: In Zheng He’s Footsteps
Li Xinfeng, translated by Shelly Bryant

Some six centuries ago, the great Chinese explorer and diplomat Zheng He set sail to blaze a trail across the Indian Ocean to the east coast of Africa. In 2002, Li Xinfeng set out to find    More >

Understanding Contemporary China, 5th edition
Robert E. Gamer and Stanley W. Toops, editors

China today bears little resemblance to the country introduced in the first edition of Understanding Contemporary China, published nearly two decades ago. Even in just the past five years,    More >

To Build a Free China: A Citizen’s Journey
Xu Zhiyong, translated by Joshua Rosenzweig and Yaxue Cao, with an Introduction by Andrew Nathan

Xu Zhiyong Won the 2020 PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Award! The story of China's rights movement—a struggle for basic human rights and democracy that, despite harsh repression,    More >

Taiwan's Democracy Challenged: The Chen Shui-bian Years
Yun-han Chu, Larry Diamond, and Kharis Templeman, editors

When Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan's first non-Kuomintang president, left office in 2008, his tenure was widely considered a disappointment. More recent events, however, suggest the need for a    More >

Democratization in Hong Kong—and China?
Lynn T. White III

Hong Kong and its relationship with China make for a uniquely intriguing study in democratization. What has hindered or caused greater popular sovereignty in Hong Kong? Over what time period    More >

Thai Politics: Between Democracy and Its Discontents
Daniel H. Unger and Chandra Mahakanjana

The prospects for Thailand's emergence as a democracy seemed strong in the 1990s. Yet, as most recently demonstrated by military coups in 2006 and 2014, that hasn't happened. Why    More >

South Korea’s New Nationalism: The End of “One Korea”?
Emma Campbell

Why have traditional views of national identity in South Korea—views that for years drove a demand for reunification—been challenged so dramatically in recent years? What    More >

Russia’s Far East: New Dynamics in Asia Pacific and Beyond
Rensselaer Lee and Artyom Lukin

The strategically pivotal Russian Far East—a vast expanse stretching from Lake Baikal to the Pacific Ocean—is notable not only for its rich natural resources, but also for the    More >

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