Asia (all books)

Muslim Women Throughout the World: A Bibliography
Michelle Kimball and Barbara R. von Schlegell

This comprehensive, up-to-date bibliography covers nearly 3,000 English-language books and articles on Muslim women throughout the world. Works are listed alphabetically by author, with an    More >

Lane With No Name: Memoirs and Poems of a Malaysian-Chinese Girlhood
Hilary Tham

Hilary Tham's memoirs reveal the many images, cultures, myths, and memories out of which her poetry has emerged. Tham recalls a life of many textures: her Chinese ancestry, her    More >

The Multilateral Development Banks:  Volume 2, The Asian Development Bank
Nihal Kappagoda

The multilateral banks are powerful forces in the international community, providing loans of more than $250 billion to developing countries over the last half-century. The best-known of    More >

Imperial Burdens: Countercolonialism in Former French India
William F.S. Miles

Few people are aware that, throughout the British raj, France managed to retain a foothold in parts of India. French India survived for a full fifteen years after the Union Jack was lowered    More >

State and Society in China's Political Economy: The Cultural Dynamics of Socialist Reform
Chih-yu Shih

As China's reforms take root, the differences between the traditional value of harmony and the socialist norm of class struggle are becoming increasingly obscured. Chinese citizens are,    More >

Child of Two Worlds: The Autobiography of a Filipino-American ... or Vice-Versa
Norman Reyes, illustrated by Pete Sapasap

A richly detailed chronicle of a cross-cultural odyssey in the Philippines under U.S. colonial rule. The son of a Filipino father and a North American (Brooklyn-born) mother, Norman Reyes    More >

Modern Rice Technology and Income Distribution in Asia
Cristina David and Keijiro Otsuka, editors

Two decades have passed since the introduction of modern rice varieties (MVs) and their accompanying technology in Asia. This volume looks at seven Asian countries—with widely diverse    More >

Population and Environment in China
Qu Geping and Li Jinchang

Professors Qu and Li incorporate the results of historical research, current analysis, and forecasting to discuss the relationship between human population and the environment in China.    More >

China Opens Its Doors: The Politics of Economic Transition
Jude Howell

China Opens Its Doors explains and documents the complex relationship between the politics and economics of China's recent "Open Policy," covering the period from 1978 up to    More >

Tahitian Transformation: Gender and Capitalist Development in a Rural Society
Victoria S. Lockwood

As culturally diverse, non-Western communities are drawn into the international division of labor, capitalism takes root in a number of ways. This book describes how capitalism has become a    More >

China's Just World: The Morality of Chinese Foreign Policy
Chih-yu Shih

Looking at China's foreign policy, this book focuses on the Confucian-based need of Chinese leaders to present themselves as the supreme moral rectifiers of the world order. Shih    More >

Singular Stories: Tales from Singapore
Robert Yeo, editor

At the beginning of the 1980s, Singapore’s public relied largely on a literary diet of traditional British and North American authors. By 1990, however, books by Singaporeans were    More >

The Everlasting Rock [a novel]
Feng Zong-Pu, translated by Aimee Lykes

This political, and darkly romantic novel centers on Mei Puti, a "forty-something" professor of literature, who suffers during the Cultural Revolution because of her heritage as    More >

India's Industrialists
Gita Piramal and Margaret Laniak Herdeck

This study of thirteen of India's leading industrial families pays particular attention to the key decisions, cultural traditions, and personality issues that have contributed to their    More >

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