Asia (all books)

The Vietnam People’s Army: From People’s Warfare to Military Modernization?
Zachary Abuza

Can the Vietnamese military, which decades ago defeated the French, the Americans, and the Chinese, move away from its tradition of "people's war" to adapt to both the    More >

Militant Islam in Southeast Asia: Crucible of Terror
Zachary Abuza

Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Islamic extremism in Southeast Asia has moved beyond a matter of local concern to one of global significance—as the events of the past decade have so    More >

Renovating Politics in Contemporary Vietnam
Zachary Abuza

Moving from the 1950s to the present, Zachary Abuza explores Vietnamese politics and culture through the lens of the internal debates over political reform. Abuza focuses on issues of    More >

Forced Labor: Coercion and Exploitation in the Private Economy
Beate Andrees and Patrick Belser, editors

Two centuries after the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade, at least 12.3 million people are subjected to modern forms of forced labor—in rich countries, as well as poor    More >

Countering China: US Responses to the Belt and Road Initiative
Edward Ashbee

By March 2022, a remarkable 144 countries had signed onto the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)—China's massive investment and infrastructure development program—with    More >

International Policy Institutions Around the Pacific Rim: A Directory of Resources in East Asia, Australasia, and the Americas
Ramón Bahamonde

This major compendium identifies the approximately three hundred key institutional resources on international political and economic affairs available throughout the Pacific Basin—in    More >

The Hidden Assembly Line: Gender Dynamics of Subcontracted Work in a Global Economy
Radhika Balakrishnan, editor

The Hidden Assembly Line demonstrates how the impact of current global economic trends—changing production patterns, dictated by multinational corporations and IMF-influenced    More >

China’s Regional Relations: Evolving Foreign Policy Dynamics
Mark Beeson and Fujian Li

Has China's much-discussed "charm offensive" come to an end? Are fears about the country's more assertive foreign policies justified? How will a rising China interact with    More >

Japan in International Politics: The Foreign Policies of an Adaptive State
Thomas U. Berger, Mike M. Mochizuki, and Jitsuo Tsuchiyama, editors

How have shifts in both the international environment and domestic politics affected the trajectory of Japanese foreign policy? Does it still make sense to depict Japan as passive and    More >

Spirits Captured in Stone: Shamanism and Traditional Medicine Among the Taman of Borneo
Jay H. Bernstein

This fascinating case study focuses on shamanism and the healing practices of the Taman, a formerly tribal society indigenous to the interior of Borneo. The Taman typically associate illness    More >

Women in Muslim Societies: Diversity Within Unity
Herbert L. Bodman and Nayereh Tohidi, editors

Study after study of women in the Muslim world has focused primarily on Middle Eastern societies, usually emphasizing the sexual ideology of a reified Islam. This book rounds out that view,    More >

China's Nuclear Future
Paul J. Bolt and Albert S. Willner, editors

In the face of significant changes in the contemporary geopolitical environment, China's longstanding policy of maintaining a minimal nuclear stockpile may also be shifting. China's    More >

Buddhism at Work: Community Development, Social Empowerment and the Sarvodaya Movement
George D. Bond

In Buddhism at Work, George Bond explores the vision and evolution of Sri Lanka's Sarvodaya Shramadana movement—now an international movement and NGO—whose individual and    More >

Japan: The Burden of Success
Jean-Marie Bouissou

On publication in France, Jean-Marie Bouissou's depiction of modern Japan was acclaimed as "the best of its kind." This English-language translation has been updated to cover    More >

Mixed Motives, Uncertain Outcomes: Defense Conversion in China
Jorn Brömmelhörster and John Frankenstein, editors

Mixed Motives, Uncertain Outcomes looks critically at China's efforts to adapt its vast military- industrial complex to the service of its socialist market economy. The authors—all    More >

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