The Renegotiation of NAFTA. And China?
  • 2019/120 pages
  • Distributed for the Academic Network of Latin America and the Caribbean on China

The Renegotiation of NAFTA. And China?

Enrique Dussel Peters, editor
Paperback: $22.00
ISBN: 978-607-8066-43-8
Ebook: $22.00
ISBN: 978-607-8066-48-3
After more than a year of negotiations, the differences between NAFTA and the new United States–Mexico–Canada agreement (USMCA) are minor—especially considering the initial stance of the Trump administration in 2017—with one notable exception. The new agreement explicitly prohibits its members from negotiating free-trade agreements with "non-market economies" such as China. From this perspective, the NAFTA/USMCA region could become the first international anti-China region.

Within this context, the authors of The Renegotiation of NAFTA succinctly analyze the NAFTA integration process since 1994, the process of renegotiation, and the increasing relevance of China for the region and each of its members.
Enrique Dussel Peters is professor of economics and coordinator of the Center for Chinese-Mexican Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).