Development Studies

Women, Work, and Economic Reform in the Middle East and North Africa
Valentine M. Moghadam

Globalization and changing political economies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are affecting women's labor-force participation, educational attainment,  and access to    More >

Women and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Power, Opportunities, and Constraints
Marianne Bloch, Josephine A. Beoku-Betts, and B. Robert Tabachnick, editors

This volume focuses on gender and education in sub-Saharan Africa, considering in particular the impact formal and nonformal education have had on African women. A variety of country    More >

Managing Drug Supply: The Selection, Procurement, Distribution, and Use of Pharmaceuticals, 2nd Edition
Management Sciences for Health, Inc.

This edition of Managing Drug Supply provides a complete overview, as well as step-by-step approaches, on how to manage pharmaceutical systems effectively.    More >

Africa's Emerging Maize Revolution
Derek Byerlee and Carl K. Eicher, editors

Although relatively new to Africa, maize has recently replaced cassava as the continent's most important food crop, and increased maize production has the potential of helping to reverse    More >

The Multilateral Development Banks: Volume 5, Titans or Behemoths?
Roy Culpeper

The multilateral banks are powerful forces in the international community, providing loans of more than $250 billion to developing countries over the last half-century. The best-known of    More >

Waiting for Rain: Agriculture and Ecological Imbalance in Cape Verde
Mark Langworthy and Timothy J. Finan

This ethnographic study of Cape Verde tackles critical development issues: the struggle for self–sufficient food security, the tension between agricultural production and natural    More >

Farmers' Experiments: Creating Local Knowledge
James Sumberg and Christine Okali

Over the last two decades, growing interest in greater farmer participation in formal agricultural research has had major implications both for investment priorities and for models of    More >

Reasons for Hope: Instructive Experiences in Rural Development
Anirudh Krishna, Norman Uphoff, and Milton J. Esman, editors

Eighteen of the world's most exemplary rural development successes from Africa, Asia, and Latin America are presented in the words of their originators and managers. This is a true story    More >

Achieving Broad-Based Sustainable Development: Governance, Environment, and Growth with Equity
James H. Weaver, Michael T. Rock, and Kenneth Kusterer

Achieving Broad-Based Sustainable Development  presents a holistic approach to development that extends beyond the narrow goal of economic growth. The authors provide a thoroughly    More >

Beyond the Magic Bullet: NGO Performance and Accountability in the Post–Cold War World
Michael Edwards and David Hulme, editors

Beyond the Magic Bullet offers a thorough assessment of the roles, performance, and accountability of NGOs and grassroots organizations in international development assistance. Drawing on    More >

The Multilateral Development Banks: Volume 1, The African Development Bank
E. Philip English and Harris M. Mule

The multilateral banks are powerful forces in the international community, providing loans of more than $250 billion to developing countries over the last half-century. The best-known of    More >

Gender and Development: Rethinking Modernization and Dependency Theory
Catherine V. Scott

Scott demonstrates that many prevailing ideas about development, dependency, capitalism, and socialism are anchored in the social constructions of gender differences. Early modernization    More >

A Cautionary Tale: Failed U.S. Development Policy in Central America
Michael E. Conroy, Douglas L. Murray, and Peter M. Rosset

Neither structural adjustment policies, nor industrialization, nor traditional agricultural exports have led to sustained economic growth and social equity in Central America. Seeking to    More >

Down to Earth: Community Perspectives on Health, Development, and the Environment
Bonnie Bradford and Margaret A. Gwynne, editors

The authors explore linkages among health, development, and environmental issues, focusing on the interdependent issues of poverty, violence, excessive resource use, and irresponsible    More >

The Multilateral Development Banks: Volume 3, The Caribbean Development Bank
Chandra Hardy

The multilateral banks are powerful forces in the international community, providing loans of more than $250 billion to developing countries over the last half-century. The best-known of    More >

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