The Multilateral Development Banks: Volume 5, Titans or Behemoths?
  • 1997/191 pages

The Multilateral Development Banks:

Volume 5, Titans or Behemoths?

Roy Culpeper
Hardcover: $35.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-470-4
Paperback: $8.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-496-4
Ebook: $8.00
ISBN: 978-1-62637-308-2

The multilateral banks are powerful forces in the international community, providing loans of more than $250 billion to developing countries over the last half-century. The best-known of these, the World Bank, has been studied extensively, but the "regional development banks" are little understood, even within their own geographic regions.

This book synthesizes the insights of four "regional" books, summarizing key points and also examining the multilateral banks (including the World Bank and the recently created European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) as a genre of development agencies. Among the difficult questions Culpeper addresses are: How effectively do the multilateral banks assist the world's one billion desperately poor? What has been their role in the evolving debt crisis? In an era of diminishing aid budgets and rising private-sector flows to developing countries, do these institutions even have a future?

Roy Culpeper has been president of the North-South Institute in Ottawa, Canada, since 1995. Before joining the Institute in 1986, he was for three years adviser to the Canadian executive director of the World Bank. He coordinated and directed the Institute's series of studies of the regional banks and previously published High Stakes and Low Incomes: Canada and the Development Banks. He is also senior editor of Global Development Fifty Years after Bretton Woods (London: Macmillan, 1997).
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