Development Studies
The multilateral banks are powerful forces in the international community, providing loans of more than $250 billion to developing countries over the last half-century. The best-known of More >
Markets for agricultural commodities in developing countries are changing rapidly. Population growth, rural-urban migration, technological innovation, environmental concerns, and policy More >
This widely used textbook is designed to introduce students with a background in micro- and macroeconomics to the challenging subject of development economics, enabling them to understand More >
Katie Smith tells the unforgettable story of a group of Honduran peasants who—as they learn to renew their fields and enhance their harvests—also learn lessons that renew their More >
Ranging from agricultural production to postharvest activities, thirty-nine case studies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America provide a practical set of tools for anyone interested in gender More >
Two decades have passed since the introduction of modern rice varieties (MVs) and their accompanying technology in Asia. This volume looks at seven Asian countries—with widely diverse More >
Do military expenditures retard economic growth and development, enhance the development process, or neither? How effective are military and military-dominated regimes in promoting economic More >
Based on dozens of in-depth interviews, as well as the historical record, Robert Oliver has written a unique biography of George David Woods, who in 1963 became the fourth president of the More >
Could the many famine and drought crises of recent decades in Africa (and elsewhere) have been avoided? The contributors to this book answer with a firm yes, calling for a response to famine More >
Practical, realistic, and based on firsthand experiences, this sorely needed resource addresses theoretical concerns at the same time that it reflects the important fact that the context More >
The drive for agricultural and food self-sufficiency in countries throughout the world has become an important topic in international political discussions. This book uses a basic economic More >
This lively book looks at the issues of development in terms that attack both the earlier idealism and the current mood of cynicism about the Third World. Salomon and Lebeau consider why More >
Thomas Carroll presents a clear, accurate picture of the role and impact of NGOs in developing countries, along with case studies from Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru. More >
These practical cases studies from India provide innovative management strategies, as well as planning and evaluation techniques, sensitive to gender issues. The cases are open-ended, More >
John Clark explores increasingly important role that both Northern and Southern NGOs play in efforts to assist the poor in achieving development, democracy, and justice. More >