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Language, Culture and Decolonisation

David Boucher, editor
Fanon has written that colonialism gets under the skin of the colonized by taking control of a people’s history, language, and culture—and denigrating all three. Exploring this reality, the authors of Language, Culture and Decolonisation draw on history, politics, philosophy, and literary studies to put forth a range of arguments about the importance of indigenous languages in the  More >

Last Glass of Tea and Other Stories

Mohamed El-Bisatie, edited and translated by Denys Johnson-Davies
A vivid portrait of the lives of the Egyptian poor, particularly in the Nile Delta region, emerges in this collection of 24 short stories. El-Bisatie offers glimpses of the daily struggles and activities of old men, young women, prisoners, war widows, and everyone in between. Masterfully crafted, his stories cultivate in the reader compassion, hatred, understanding, and suspense.  More >

Latin America in a Changing Global Environment

Riordan Roett and Guadalupe Paz, editors
Considering Latin America's emerging challenges and opportunities in the first decade of the twenty-first century, the authors examine key political, economic, and security concerns in the region. They focus both on the changing dynamics within the Western Hemisphere and on Latin America's evolving relationships with international actors and institutions.  More >

Latin America in International Politics: Challenging US Hegemony

Joseph S. Tulchin
In recent years, the countries of Latin America have moved out from under the shadow of the United States to become active players in the international system. What changed? Why? And why did it take so long for that change to happen? To answer those questions, Joseph S. Tulchin explores the evolving role of Latin American states in world affairs from the early days of independence to the  More >

Latin America in the New International System

Joseph S. Tulchin and Ralph H. Espach, editors
Placing Latin America in the context of debates on economic globalization and the dramatically changing nature of the international system, this volume offers the perspectives of scholars and policymakers from across the Americas. The authors argue that the ongoing diversification of economic and strategic ties presents Latin American nations with new options—and also with dangers. A  More >

Latin America in the Twenty-First Century: Toward a New Sociopolitical Matrix

Manuel Antonio Garretón, Marcelo Cavarozzi, Peter Cleaves, Gary Gereffi, and Jonathan Hartlyn
The myriad changes affecting contemporary Latin America in the context of a globalizing world are so far reaching, argue the authors of Latin America in the Twenty-First Century, that understanding them requires both new conceptual tools and multidisciplinary analysis. In response to this need, they explore developments in the region in terms of four central processes: the construction of  More >

Latin America's Economic Development: Confronting Crisis, 2nd Edition

James L. Dietz, editor
This revised edition of Latin America's Economic Development continues to provide a heterodox perspective on Latin America's economic problems, with institutional and neostructuralist views dominating. The selections richly convey that there are viable alternatives to the neoliberal approach dominating so much of policymaking, as well as academic debate, since the 1980s. The book  More >

Latin America, China, and Great Power Competition: New Triangular Relationships

Enrique Dussel Peters
The emergence of Latin America and the Caribbean as an arena for US-China competition raises a number of important questions: What are China’s goals in LAC? Is its presence there a good thing for the region? What challenges does it create? How is the US responding? Enrique Dussel Peters responds to these questions from a fresh perspective, exploring the dynamics of new triangular  More >

Latin America: Perspectives on a Region

Jack W. Hopkins, editor
In the years since its original publication, Latin America: Perspectives on a Region has gained recognition as a well-written, comprehensive introductory text with an interdisciplinary approach to a politically volatile, culturally rich area. The six chapters in the book's first two sections lay a historical groundwork, covering environmental and social systems, pre-Colombian cultures and  More >

Latin America’s Left Turns: Politics, Policies, and Trajectories of Change

Maxwell A. Cameron and Eric Hershberg, editors
This accessible look at Latin American politics explores how—and to what effect—diverse forces on the left have not only captured the imagination of vast swathes of the continent’s population, but also taken hold of the reins of government. The authors assess the multiple currents of Latin America's left turns, considering their origins, their relationships to political  More >
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