Last Glass of Tea and Other Stories
  • 1998/150 pages

Last Glass of Tea and Other Stories

Mohamed El-Bisatie, edited and translated by Denys Johnson-Davies
Hardcover: $16.95
ISBN: 978-0-89410-800-6
A vivid portrait of the lives of the Egyptian poor, particularly in the Nile Delta region, emerges in this collection of 24 short stories. El-Bisatie offers glimpses of the daily struggles and activities of old men, young women, prisoners, war widows, and everyone in between. Masterfully crafted, his stories cultivate in the reader compassion, hatred, understanding, and suspense.
Mohamed El-Bisatie has written several volumes of short stories and four novellas. Born in the Nile Delta, he now lives in Cairo. The late Denys Johnson-Davies published more than twenty-five volumes of stories, novels, plays, and poetry translated from modern Arabic literature. He lives in Cairo.
No rights in Egypt or Western Europe