Latin America in the New International System
  • 2000/242 pages

Latin America in the New International System

Joseph S. Tulchin and Ralph H. Espach, editors
Hardcover: $57.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-940-2
Paperback: $25.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-917-4
Placing Latin America in the context of debates on economic globalization and the dramatically changing nature of the international system, this volume offers the perspectives of scholars and policymakers from across the Americas.

The authors argue that the ongoing diversification of economic and strategic ties presents Latin American nations with new options—and also with dangers. A recurring theme is a caution against excessive optimism regarding the effects of globalization. The book bridges discussions of Latin America and broader world politics, advancing critical insights from within the region together with reflections from a global perspective.
Joseph S. Tulchin is former director of the Latin American Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Ralph H. Espach is a doctoral student in political science at the University of California, Berkeley.