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Europe's Ambiguous Unity: Conflict and Consensus in the Post-Maastricht Era

Alan W. Cafruny and Carl Lankowski, editors
Although the European Union as an entity now enjoys support from across most of the political spectrum, this has by no means resulted in the acceptance of a single vision of the EU. The apparent successes engendered by the Single European Act and the Maastricht Treaty have led instead to both a broadening and a reformulation of opposition. The nations of Western Europe have thus forged an  More >

Europe's Economy in Crisis

Ralf Dahrendorf, editor

Europe's New Security Challenges

Heinz Gärtner, Adrian Hyde-Price, and Erich Reiter, editors
A central point of controversy among both academics and policymakers is the nature and significance of security in the post–Cold War world. Engaging that discussion, this original collection explores the new security challenges facing Europe. The authors assess the relevance and usefulness of various actors and various approaches for tackling those security challenges. Seeking to avoid  More >

European Monetary Integration and Domestic Politics: Britain, France, and Italy

James I. Walsh
This book explains why three countries—Britain, France, and Italy—that have faced similar problems of high inflation and currency depreciation since the 1970s—Britain, France, and Italy—have pursued very different international monetary strategies. Walsh argues that international monetary policies produce predictable sets of winners and losers, and that policy choice is a  More >

European Politics Reconsidered, Second Edition

B. Guy Peters and Christian Hunold
In this expanded, updated edition, the authors add a chapter on new structures of parliaments. They also reflect on recent developments in Germany since unification and reactions of most European countries to continued economic scarcity and public skepticism about government. European Politics Reconsidered documents the evolutionary political processes in Europe to provide a way of understanding a  More >

European Politics: The Making of Democratic States

Walter C. Opello, Jr., and Katherine A. R. Opello
This innovative text explores the nature of European politics in the context of the origin and institutional development of the European state system.  Underlying the analysis are a series of questions: How did the state, the central element of contemporary European political life, emerge from and eventually triumph over the bewildering multiplicity of competing forms of rule that existed  More >

Evaluating Crime Reduction Initiatives

Johannes Knutsson and Nick Tilley, editors
How should evaluations of problem-oriented policing and situational crime prevention projects be conducted? Although evaluation has been a driving force in the recent worldwide growth of the two approaches, both of which focus on reducing opportunities for committing crimes, there has been a growing consensus among researchers that evaluations of many such crime prevention programs have been  More >

Evaluating Democracy Assistance

Krishna Kumar
With the international community providing billions of dollars each year to promote democratic institutions/cultures in transitional and developing countries, rigorous evaluations have become essential for determining the effectiveness, as well as the future direction, of democracy assistance programs. Krishna Kumar provides a unique, practical guide to the on-the-ground tasks of evaluating and  More >

Evaluating Peace Operations

Paul F. Diehl and Daniel Druckman
Winner of the International Association for Conflict Management's Outstanding Book Award, 2012! There has been a great deal written on why peace operations succeed or fail.... But how are those judgments reached? By what criteria is success defined? Success for whom? Paul Diehl and Daniel Druckman explore the complexities of evaluating peace operation outcomes, providing an original,  More >

Evaluation for Crime Prevention

Nick Tilley, editor
This volume in the Crime Prevention Studies book series, a companion to volume 13, addresses the design and conduct of evaluations to help improve crime prevention policy and practice.  More >
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