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Ethics, Politics, Inequality: New Directions

Narnia Bohler-Muller, Crain Soudien, and Vasu Reddy, editors
Multilayered inequalities and a sense of insecurity have long been hallmarks of South African life—but now have been exacerbated by the uncertainties of Covid-19. Ethics, Politics, Inequality reflects on a range of political and socioeconomic interventions, based on an ethics of care, needed to help South Africans navigate the roiling currents of the "new normal." This latest  More >

Ethnic Lobbies and US Foreign Policy

David M. Paul and Rachel Anderson Paul
Dozens of ethnic groups work determinedly to achieve specific policy goals in Washington, but to what degree do they actually wield power? Which groups are the most influential, and why? David Paul and Rachel Anderson Paul consider the relative impact of 38 ethnic lobbies to determine whether—and if so, how—they affect the course of US foreign policy. Paul and Paul systematically  More >

Ethnopolitics in the New Europe

John T. Ishiyama and Marijke Breuning
What makes some multiethnic states integrate and others descend into civil war? Ishiyama and Breuning extend traditional explanations centered on socioeconomic, cultural, and historical factors to argue that the actions of leaders of ethnic segments—too often ignored—are also critical determinants of policy outcomes. Applying a framework derived from comparative politics and IR  More >

EU Enlargement and the Transatlantic Alliance: A Security Relationship in Flux

Sven Biscop and Johan Lembke, editors
What is the interplay between EU enlargement and a fluctuating transatlantic security partnership? Will the accession of new EU members reinforce this partnership, or instead increase the EU's assertiveness as an independent foreign policy actor? The authors of EU Enlargement and the Transatlantic Alliance find answers in an examination of broader EU security strategies, the foreign and  More >

EU Security Policy: What It Is, How It Works, Why It Matters

Michael Merlingen
What is the European Union's security and defense policy (CSDP)? How does it work? Does it make a difference in international security affairs? How do other global actors react to Europe’s new assertiveness? And how do theories of international relations account for the trajectory of EU integration in the high politics of national security? In this comprehensive survey and analysis,  More >

Europe and Latin America in the World Economy

Susan Kaufman Purcell and Françoise Simon, editors
The creation of a single European Market parallels an impressive economic opening and movement toward regional and subregional economic integration in Latin America. At the same time, the end of the Cold War has allowed the United States to redirect its relations with Latin America away from traditional security issues and toward an emphasis on strengthening its economic ties within the Western  More >

Europe and the Middle East: In the Shadow of September 11

Richard Youngs
In the wake of September 11, the European Union proclaimed a new commitment to encouraging processes of political liberalization in the Middle East, and a plethora of initiatives were introduced to that end. Richard Youngs offers a thorough analysis of the policies actually followed by the EU—by national governments, as well as collectively—in the intervening several  More >

Europe at Bay: In the Shadow of US Hegemony

Alan W. Cafruny and J. Magnus Ryner
Europe at Bay was completed just before the onset of the financial crisis, and two years before the Eurozone crisis emerged. In contrast to mainstream European integration scholarship that celebrated the Euro at the time, Alan Cafruny and Magnus Ryner issued warnings that have since been validated by events. Focusing on the underlying social forces and power relations in Europe, Cafruny and  More >

Europe in the New Century: Visions of an Emerging Superpower

Robert J. Guttman, editor
Europe in the New Century is an intriguing look at the future, drawing on the experience and foresight of the leading journalists working in Europe today, as well as the visions of heads of state, government ministers, corporate magnates, entrepreneurs, and young people from each of the fifteen European Union member countries. The contributors forecast what Europe might look like down the  More >

Europe Recast: A History of European Union, 2nd edition

Desmond Dinan
Thoroughly revised to reflect a decade of recent history—and incorporating newly available archival material and the latest scholarship—Europe Recast tells the story of European integration from its modern origins in the 1940s to the challenges of today. The book is an essential guide to unraveling the complexity of the EU system in the context of modern European history.  More >
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