European Monetary Integration and Domestic Politics: Britain, France, and Italy
  • 2000/182 pages

European Monetary Integration and Domestic Politics:

Britain, France, and Italy

James I. Walsh
Hardcover: $65.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-823-8

This book explains why three countries—Britain, France, and Italy—that have faced similar problems of high inflation and currency depreciation since the 1970s—Britain, France, and Italy—have pursued very different international monetary strategies.

Walsh argues that international monetary policies produce predictable sets of winners and losers, and that policy choice is a function of how industrial firms, banks, and labor unions organize and deploy their political resources. He draws on a wealth of primary data and interviews to reconstruct the domestic politics and international bargaining behind European single currency.

James I. Walsh is assistant professor of political science at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte.