- 1995/218 pages
- An Americas Society Publication
Europe and Latin America in the World Economy
Paperback: $5.00
ISBN: 978-1-55587-498-8
The creation of a single European Market parallels an impressive economic opening and movement toward regional and subregional economic integration in Latin America. At the same time, the end of the Cold War has allowed the United States to redirect its relations with Latin America away from traditional security issues and toward an emphasis on strengthening its economic ties within the Western Hemisphere.
Europe and Latin America in the World Economy examines the impact of economic integration in Europe and Latin America on both the relationship between the two regions and the trilateral relationship among Europe, Latin America, and the United States. Based on the work of a high-level study group held at the Americas Society, the book addresses important economic, political, and foreign policy issues and suggests ways of reinforcing the three economic actors' shared interests.