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Coming of Age in a Globalized World: The Next Generation

J. Michael Adams and Angelo Carfagna
J. Michael Adams and Angelo Carfagna emphasize the importance of education in a society that constantly faces challenges of change and conflict. Providing a comprehensive survey of current issues in global politics, they argue convincingly that, to succeed in today's environment, individuals must understand the driving forces of globalization and the trends that are likely to shape our future.  More >

Coming Out: The New Dynamics

Nicholas A. Guittar
Nicholas Guittar draws on deeply personal interviews with young people to enhance our understanding of "coming out," revealing the changing dynamics of sexual identity. Guittar explores how mainstream norms continue to assert their influence over those with nonnormative sexualities. He also highlights the wide spectrum of coming out experiences. His important work sheds light on why,  More >

Common Security and Nonoffensive Defense: A Neorealist Perspective

Bjorn Møller
Bjorn Møller explores the implications of switching to a new type of defense structure, nonoffensive defense (NOD), that would maintain an undiminished—or even improved—capability for defense while possessing no offensive capabilities. The advantages of such a switch, he posits, would be enhanced possibilities for arms control and disarmament, increased crisis stability, and the  More >

Community Policing: A Handbook for Beat Cops and Supervisors

Howard Rahtz
This practical and clearly written manual explains the advantages and the “how-to” of community policing. Topics include Community-Oriented Policing (COP) vs. traditional police work, dueling definitions of COP, the importance of community partnerships, problem-solving techniques, the key role of supervisors in COP programming, examples of effective COP programs, and how to get started  More >

Comparative Foreign Policy: Choices and Strategies in International Relations

Neal G. Jesse
Clearly written, authoritative, pedagogically sound ... This new text effectively links cases and theory to provide students with a thorough understanding of the ways that foreign policy is crafted and carried out in diverse countries around the world. Grounding his approach in dominant IR theories—and ranging from great powers to small states—Neal Jesse provides the comparative  More >

Comparative Politics of the Global South: Linking Concepts and Cases, 5th ed.

December Green and Laura Luehrmann
December Green and Laura Luehrmann show how history, economics, and politics converge to create the realities of life in the Global South. In this new edition, the authors continue to offer an innovative blend of theory and empirical material as they introduce the politics of what was once called the "third world." They consistently link theoretical concepts to a set of eight  More >

Comparative Politics: Exploring Concepts and Institutions Across Nations, 6th edition

Gregory S. Mahler
Among the many tools available for teaching comparative politics, Gregory Mahler's text stands out for its unique exploration of concepts, structures, and illustrative cases. The first part of the book, after setting the stage with a discussion of comparison as a method of inquiry, focuses on the core institutions that affect politics within nations, as well as on political behavior and  More >

Competition Policy, Deregulation, and Modernization in Latin America

Moisés Naím and Joseph S. Tulchin, editors
Economic reforms in Latin America over the past two decades focused first on economic stabilization, later on liberalization and deregulation, and only recently on creating, or in some cases recreating, the legal, regulatory, and statutory institutions complementary to modern global capitalism. This book addresses a central element of the newest round of reforms: the restriction of anticompetitive  More >

Complex Political Victims

Erica Bouris
Looking beyond the standard discourse about political victims, with its dichotomies of good and evil—and believing that more can be done to effectively recognize and respond to political victims—Erica Bouris interrogates the assumptions that are typically made about the identity of victims, the roles that these individuals play in conflict, and their needs in the postconflict period.  More >

Conceptions of Social Inquiry

Johan Snyman, editor
What is critical theory, hermeneutics, deconstruction, positivism, and phenomenology? Is it true that "anything goes"  in the social sciences? This book provides answers to these questions. Each conception of social inquiry is framed within the context of an ongoing debate on its merits and limits. Conceptions of Social Inquiry is an indispensable compass for students, researchers  More >
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