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Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planning: Toward a Participatory Approach to Human Security

Lisa Schirch
A Global Observatory Must-Read Book in Peace and Security! Offering a systematic approach that links practical conflict-assessment exercises to the design, planning, monitoring, and evaluation of peacebuilding efforts, Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planning has been carefully—and realistically—designed to enhance the effectiveness of peacebuilding practice. Lisa Schirch  More >

Conflict in Macedonia: Exploring a Paradox in the Former Yugoslavia

Sasho Ripiloski
How did Macedonia attain its status as the only Yugoslav republic to achieve a nonviolent transition to independence in the early 1990s? And why did the initial peace fail to endure? Sasho Ripiloski traces Macedonia's peaceful extrication from the Yugoslav morass and then examines the new country's subsequent state-building efforts and offers an explanation for its later collapse into  More >

Conflict Prevention: The Untapped Potential of the Business Sector

Andreas Wenger and Daniel Möckli
Despite intensive international efforts in the area of conflict prevention, there is still little agreement about how civil wars might best be averted. And, as the news regularly reminds us, the many attempts at preventive action have not been strikingly successful. The authors of Conflict Prevention offer a new perspective, arguing that such efforts could be much more effective if they  More >

Conflict-Related Sexual Violence: International Law, Local Responses

Tonia St. Germain and Susan Dewey, editors
The authors of this groundbreaking book explore the gap between policy and practice in international responses to conflict-related sexual violence. Drawing on their research in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe, and Latin America, they offer fresh perspectives on, and practical approaches to, achieving justice for women who have survived wartime sexual assault.  More >

Confronting Climate Change: From Mitigation to Adaptation

John Barkdull
How to cope with climate change? Observing that efforts to mitigate rising temperatures are falling disastrously short, John Barkdull argues that policy must shift toward adaptation and considers what this entails. As he assesses climate policies and politics since the landmark 1992 Rio conference, Barkdull explores approaches to transformational adaptation that will allow us to survive in a much  More >

Confronting Globalization: Economic Integration and Popular Resistance in Mexico

Timothy A. Wise, Hilda Salazar and Laura Carlsen, editors
Is the current model for economic globalization good for the poor or the environment? Are there alternatives? Amid rising worldwide protests that corporate elites wield too much influence over global economic governance, this book on Mexico's experience under the North American Free Trade Agreement offers insights into both questions.  More >

Confronting Homelessness: Poverty, Politics, and the Failure of Social Policy

David Wagner with Jennifer Barton Gilman
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Whose fault is homelessness? Thirty years ago the problem exploded as a national crisis, drawing the attention of activists, the media, and policymakers at all levels—yet the homeless population endures to this day, and arguably has grown. David Wagner offers a major reconsideration of homelessness in the US, casting a critical eye on how we as a society  More >

Confronting Microfinance: Undermining Sustainable Development

Milford Bateman, editor
Despite the popularity of microfinance as a tool for economic development, there has been little analysis of its foundations or its real effectiveness in fighting poverty. Attempting to fill that gap, the authors of Confronting Microfinance first provide global perspectives that challenge the conventional wisdom and then focus on southeastern Europe—a key arena for microfinance and  More >

Confronting Power: The Practice of Policy Advocacy

Jeff Unsicker
A grassroots citizens' group in Peru stops a multinational firm from digging a mine in the middle of  town. The research director of a think tank in Ghana helps convince the government to establish a national AIDS commission. An international NGO plays a key role in getting funding for climate-change adaptation included in a bill passed by the US Congress. All three are cases of the  More >

Confronting School Bullying: Kids, Culture, and the Making of a Social Problem

Jeffrey W. Cohen and Robert A. Brooks
Is bullying an innocent part of growing up ... or a serious problem requiring large-scale policy remedies? What is behind our rapidly changing perceptions of  "acceptable" behavior? And when is the remedy worse than the problem? In their in-depth view of school bullying, Jeffrey Cohen and Robert Brooks navigate between empirical evidence and breathless media accounts to make sense  More >
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