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The City Where No One Dies [a novel]

Bernard Dadie, translated by Janis A. Mayes
In this witty and ironic reversal of the typical colonial travelogue, Dadié recounts the journey of a bemused African traveler who settles in Rome, continuing his inquiries into the fundamental nature of humankind. Part conqueror, part pilgrim, part worshipper, and part critic, the protagonist compares Roman and African customs, traditions, history, and above all,  More >

The Clubwoman As Feminist: True Womanhood Redefined, 1868 to 1914

Karen J. Blair

The Collected Papers of Kofi Annan: UN Secretary-General, 1997-2006

Jean E. Krasno, editor
The thousands of documents in this five-volume set illuminate the complexity and texture of the workings of the United Nations as they trace the activities of Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the conceptual evolution of his ideas.  With the cooperation of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General in the release of previously classified material, the documents encompass internal notes,  More >

The Coloured Bangles & Other Short Stories

Saloni Narang
Narang describes India as a land that lives simultaneously in several centuries, “accepting much and rejecting nothing.” It is a place of contrasts and contradictions, “where volatile emotions see-saw against a phlegmatic acceptance of the writ of fate.” Her stories, set in northern India—sometimes in the westernized homes of the educated elite, sometimes in the mud  More >

The Commercialization of Microfinance: Balancing Business and Development

Deborah Drake and Elisabeth Rhyne, editors
While many microfinance organizations started as NGOs, there is now a growing movement for them to transform into regulated, for-profit entities. Concurrently, commercial banks, credit unions, and specialized investors are also entering the market. The Commercialization of Microfinance synthesizes case studies from Latin America and beyond, delving into the trends and challenges of converting  More >

The Conduct of Intelligence in Democracies: Processes, Practices, Cultures

Florina Cristiana Matei and Carolyn Halladay, editors
What are the role and place of secret services and covert operations in democratic settings? How do states balance the need for both secrecy and openness? What are the challenges to creating effective intelligence practices? Focusing on these crucial questions, the authors of The Conduct of Intelligence in Democracies examine the purposes and processes of intelligence communities in today's  More >

The Congress Movement, Volume 1: The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961

Sylvia Neame
The Congress Movement, based on primary and secondary sources including some 80 interviews dating back to the early 1960s, uniquely combines narrative and analysis.  Volume 1 traces the unfolding of the congress movement from its beginnings early in the 20th Century and looks at socialist and other forces that played an integral part in its formation. The 1918-1920 upsurge, which included  More >

The Congress Movement, Volume 2: The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961

Sylvia Neame
The Congress Movement, based on primary and secondary sources including some 80 interviews dating back to the early 1960s, uniquely combines narrative and analysis. Volume 2 examines the intricate development of the ICU and the ANC in the second half of the 1920s. Various trends of reformism and radicalism affected these two organizations. This later led to the beginning of the breakup of the  More >

The Congress Movement, Volume 3: The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961

Sylvia Neame
The Congress Movement, based on primary and secondary sources including some 80 interviews dating back to the early 1960s, uniquely combines narrative and analysis. Volume 3 explores how the ANC emerges and stps into its primary role as a national liberation movement resulting from a complex process stretching from the 1920s to the beginning of the 1960s. A key theme in this context is the  More >

The Contagion of Matter

Valerio Magrelli, translated by Anthony Molino
His works having already been translated the world over into as many as six different languages from their original Italian, Valerio Magrelli is one of the most innovative and exciting poets writing today. Hailed by figures as diverse as Octavio Paz and Dana Gioia, Magrelli is widely regarded as the foremost Italian poet of his generation. This latest collection of his poetry, translated into  More >
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