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The Armies of East Asia: China, Taiwan, Japan, and the Koreas

Dennis Van Vranken Hickey
This comprehensive study provides a detailed analysis of the military buildup in the East Asian countries: China, Taiwan, Japan, and North and South Korea. Hickey assesses the capabilities, strategies, intentions, and performance of each government's military in the context of the potential for regional instability and conflict. In his concluding chapter, he also explores U.S. objectives in  More >

The Arms Dynamic in World Politics

Barry Buzan and Eric Herring
What is the relationship between the arms dynamic and world politics? How has that relationship changed? Considering the entire set of factors that influence the nature of armed forces, this comprehensive book puts these essential questions into historical and analytical perspective. Buzan and Herring focus on four themes. In Part 1 they discuss the ways in which the political and military  More >

The Battle of Normandy: The Falaise Gap

James Sidney Lucas and James Barker
The Battle of the Falaise Pocket was a disaster for the Germans in August 1944. This books sets the battle in the context of Allied Strategy in Northern Europe. Having set the scene, the readers is led through each phase of the action. The particular strength is that it draws heavily on German sources giving the reader a penetrating insight into an army trapped in a killing ground.  More >

The Black Academic's Guide to Winning Tenure—Without Losing Your Soul

Kerry Ann Rockquemore and Tracey Laszloffy
For an African American scholar, who may be the lone minority in a department, navigating the tenure minefield can be a particularly harrowing process. Kerry Ann Rockquemore and Tracey Laszloffy go beyond standard professional resources to serve up practical advice for black faculty intent on playing—and winning—the tenure game. Addressing head-on how power and the thorny politics of  More >

The Black Middle Class: Social Mobility—and Vulnerability

Benjamin P. Bowser
The widespread presence of successful African Americans in virtually all walks of life has led many in the United States to believe that the races are now on an equal footing—and that color blindness is the most appropriate way to deal with racial difference. In strong contrast, Benjamin Bowser argues that the seemingly comparable black and white middle classes, while inextricably linked, in  More >

The Borders of Race: Patrolling “Multiracial” Identities

Melinda Mills
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Who is "multiracial"? And who decides? Addressing these two fundamental questions, Melinda Mills builds on the work of Heather Dalmage to explore the phenomenon—and consequences—of racial border patrolling by strangers, family members, friends, and even multiracial people themselves.  More >

The Brazilian Economy: Growth and Development, 7th edition

Werner Baer
In this thorough description and analysis of Latin America's largest economy, Werner Baer traces the trajectory of Brazil's economic development and performance from the colonial period through the early years (2011-2012) of the administration of Dilma Rousseff. In addition to updated information, the seventh edition includes entirely new chapters on the challenges and accomplishments  More >

The BRICS in Africa: Promoting Development?

Funeka Y. April, Modimowabarwa Kanyane, Yul Derek Davids, and Krish Chetty, editors
The BRICS countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—have become a strong engine of South-South cooperation, contributing to a significant shift in the global balance of power. They also, taken as a whole, constitute Africa's largest trading partner. The authors of this new collection consider the potential of BRICS–Africa cooperation for promoting sustainable  More >

The Butts [a novel]

Driss Chraibi, translated by Hugh A. Harter
The dehumanization of the Arabs who emigrated to "Mother France" is the subject of Chraïbi’s second novel, echoing Simple Past. This time, however, the focus is more on the values and customs of the West, whose promises to the Islamic world appear as a facade for violence and exploitation. The story unfolds in the mind of Yalaan Waldik, an "Arabo" who aspires to  More >

The Caribbean in the Pacific Century: Prospects for Caribbean-PacificCooperation

Jacqueline A. Braveboy-Wagner, with W. Marvin Will, Dennis J. Gayle, and Ivelaw Griffith
Despite the current global focus on prospects for the integrated European market, there are many in the policymaking and business communities who believe that the next century will be a Pacific, rather than a European, one. Not only does U.S. trade with East Asia far exceed its trans-Atlantic commerce, but recent figures show that the countries of Asia Pacific account for more than 40 percent of  More >
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