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Waiting for Rain: Agriculture and Ecological Imbalance in Cape Verde

Mark Langworthy and Timothy J. Finan
This ethnographic study of Cape Verde tackles critical development issues: the struggle for self–sufficient food security, the tension between agricultural production and natural resource sustainability, and the appropriate role of government policy in food production and natural resource management. Cape Verde has moved into an ecological imbalance between the sustainable production  More >

Policing for Prevention: Reducing Crime, Public Intoxication and Injury

Ross Homel, editor
Evaluates programs to reduce crime and disorder related to alcohol and drug abuse in pubs, nightclubs, parks and elsewhere. Case studies are presented from Australia, Europe and North America.  More >

Business and Crime Prevention

Marcus Felson and Ronald V. Clarke, editors
In papers delivered at a conference co-sponsored by the US National Institute of Justice and Rutgers University, scholars and business analysts explore how criminological knowledge can help prevent crimes by and against businesses. Topics include: the impact of crime on business; preventing retail thefts; prevention and the auto industry; making crime prevention pay; public-private partnerships;  More >

Preventing Mass Transit Crime

Ronald V. Clarke, editor
An anthology presents 8 previously unpublished studies on the use of situational crime prevention in urban mass transit systems. Marcus Felson et al.'s evaluation of 1991-1992 modifications in New York City's Port Authority Bus Terminal—involving situational prevention combined with environmental measures—indicates that the changes made the huge complex much less of a crime  More >

Reasons for Hope: Instructive Experiences in Rural Development

Anirudh Krishna, Norman Uphoff, and Milton J. Esman, editors
Eighteen of the world's most exemplary rural development successes from Africa, Asia, and Latin America are presented in the words of their originators and managers. This is a true story of hope that shows what can be done.  More >

Achieving Broad-Based Sustainable Development: Governance, Environment, and Growth with Equity

James H. Weaver, Michael T. Rock, and Kenneth Kusterer
Achieving Broad-Based Sustainable Development  presents a holistic approach to development that extends beyond the narrow goal of economic growth. The authors provide a thoroughly accessible model for integrating economic development, environmental sustainability, and the full range of factors—social, cultural, and political—affecting both.  More >

Piety and Poverty: Working-Class Religion in Berlin, London, and New York, 1820–1914

Hugh McLeod
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Drawing on moving personal accounts—letters, oral histories, and memoirs—as well as original documentary evidence found in parish records, histories, and demographic data, Hugh McLeod explores the role of religion in the everyday life of working-class communities. The book reveals how belief and unbelief are related to the experiences of poverty,  More >

A Russian Mother [a novel]

Alain Bosquet, translated by Barbara Bray and with an afterword by Germaine Brée
At the core of A Russian Mother lies the profound ambivalence of two people who are chillingly remote yet obsessively attached. This painful symbiosis between a mother and son takes shape in fragments, as the narrative jumps back and forth in time until the late1970s. The narrator provides the psychological threads that unify the haphazard chronology, the chaotic uprootings, and the conflicting  More >

Clothes and the Child: A Handbook of Children's Dress in England, 1500-1900

Anne Buck
Through the centuries children's clothes reflect the concerns of parents and shifts in fashions. The needs of the child, changing ideas on health and upbringing, evolving social attitudes, and new technology all find expression in their dress. Its development, and its changing relationship with contemporary adult dress, offer a revealing picture of the time, as each garment bears the imprint  More >

Thailand's Struggle for Democracy: The Life and Times of M.R. Seni Promo

David Van Praagh, with a foreword by Stephen Solarz
This political biography portrays one of the world's most fascinating statesmen and depicts Thailand as a nation at war with itself. David Van Praagh traces the history of the country's often thwarted attempts to become increasingly democratic—from the 1930s until after the shocking clashes of May 1992 in the streets of Bangkok between the military and the middle class. Van Praagh  More >
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