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Piety and Poverty: Working-Class Religion in Berlin, London, and New York, 1820–1914

Hugh McLeod
Piety and Poverty: Working-Class Religion in Berlin, London, and New York, 1820–1914
ISBN: 978-08419-1356-1
1996/264 pages
Distributed for Holmes and Meier Publishers

"A major piece of comparative research. Piety and Poverty will be of basic interest to anyone who wants to understand the nature of modern urban culture."—John R. Gillis, Rutgers University


Choice Outstanding Academic Book!

Drawing on moving personal accounts—letters, oral histories, and memoirs—as well as original documentary evidence found in parish records, histories, and demographic data, Hugh McLeod explores the role of religion in the everyday life of working-class communities.

The book reveals how belief and unbelief are related to the experiences of poverty, social class and alienation, to the ways in which people celebrated rites of passage and survived personal crises, to relationships between men and women, and to political organizations.

McLeod examines the link between secularization and the growth of cities as centers of working-class life, and chronicles how new forms of religiosity arose alongside secular political movements and remained a force among the poor even as institutional attachments diminished. Another important contribution is the book's discussion of the gendering of religious experience.