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Multi-Track Diplomacy: A Systems Approach to Peace, 3rd edition

Louise Diamond and John McDonald
Exceptional in its systemic approach to peacemaking and conflict resolution, Multi-Track Diplomacy identifies the actors and activities that contribute to peacemaking and peacebuilding processes. The authors show how each of nine tracks is interlinked with all the others, providing new ideas, fresh perspectives, and an extensive guide to further resources.  More >

Beyond the Magic Bullet: NGO Performance and Accountability in the Post–Cold War World

Michael Edwards and David Hulme, editors
Beyond the Magic Bullet offers a thorough assessment of the roles, performance, and accountability of NGOs and grassroots organizations in international development assistance. Drawing on case studies from Africa, Asia, and Latin America, the authors provide frameworks for assessing performance and accountability and offer experienced-based guidelines for improving both.  More >

The News Media, Civil War, and Humanitarian Action

Larry Minear, Colin Scott, and Thomas G. Weiss
The civil wars that have been prominent features of the first post–Cold War decade have revealed a close and active relationship among the news media, governments, and humanitarian organizations. Beyond loose talk of the "CNN factor," however, analysis of this linkage and attention to its implications have been lacking. This brief volume looks at institutional interactions between  More >

Globalization: Critical Reflections

James H. Mittelman, editor
This book analyzes the empirical trends constituting the globalization process in the late twentieth century and explains its underlying causes and consequences. The authors explore the globalization of production, challenges to the state system represented by the contradictory pressures of sub- and supranationalism, and linkages between regionalism and globalizing tendencies. They also consider  More >

Political and Economic Liberalization: Dynamics and Linkages in Comparative Perspective

Gerd Nonneman, editor
Even amid the apparent post–Cold War consensus, the benefits and drawbacks of economic and political liberalization remain controversial. At the same time, explanations for the recent surge in these processes, and for the forms they have taken, remain fragmentary. Likewise, the linkages between the two remain under-researched—despite many sweeping assertions of a positive  More >

On the Shoulder of Marti

Donald Burness
This collection of fiction and poetry, written by members of the military forces sent by Castro to help defeat the South Africa-backed regime in Angola, reflects the realities of painful years in Africa. The material is laced together by Burness’ narrative of past and present wars and rebellions.  More >

Dele's Child [a novel]

O.R. Dathorne
Guyana-born poet-novelist Dathorne’s powerful work, set against the background of a revolution, both political and spiritual, is a compelling account of the search for ancestry and legacy. The reader learns about the past, present, and future of the chief protagonists—Dele, the saintly whore; Pietro, the impotent medical practitioner; Ianty, the corrupt politician; and Stephan, who  More >

Gender and Development: Rethinking Modernization and Dependency Theory

Catherine V. Scott
Scott demonstrates that many prevailing ideas about development, dependency, capitalism, and socialism are anchored in the social constructions of gender differences. Early modernization theorists, points out Scott, often juxtaposed modernity and tradition in ways reminiscent of Enlightenment dichotomies that pitted the rational, productive city against the particularistic, fragmented, and  More >

Rituals of Conflict: Religion, Politics, and Public Policy in Israel

Ira Sharkansky
An assassination, the election of a new prime minister, and a fresh round of Palestinian unrest have highlighted the ongoing tensions between religious and secular Israeli Jews. Among the latter, the events have introduced fear about the onset of a new religious war and a dramatic shift in public policy. However, Ira Sharkansky notes that, while religious interests in Israel have been powerful  More >

Economic Crisis and State Reform in Brazil: Toward a New Interpretation of Latin America

Luiz Carlos Bresser Pereira
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! This is a book about the economic crisis that took hold of Brazil and the rest of Latin America in the 1980s, its political consequences, and the economic reforms that were begun in the mid-'80s, but that remain incomplete a decade later. From his vantage point as both an academic economist and a political insider, Bresser Pereira explains  More >
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