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Nation-Building Unraveled? Aid, Peace, and Justice in Afghanistan

Antonio Donini, Norah Niland and Karin Wermester, editors
Using Afghanistan as an illustrative case, Nation-Building Unraveled? offers insiders’ perspectives on how emerging international practices are affecting the roles, policies, and impacts of UN agencies and international NGOs involved in peacebuilding efforts.  More >

Southern Exposure: International Development and the Global South in the Twenty-First Century

Barbara P. Thomas-Slayter
This widely used introductory text, rich with illustrative case studies, addresses the key political and economic challenges facing the countries of the global south as they engage with the global system.  More >

Reinventing Government for the Twenty-First Century: State Capacity in a Globalizing Society

Dennis A. Rondinelli and G. Shabbir Cheema, editors
The authors of Reinventing Government for the Twenty-First Century meld theory with practice to offer sound advice for public leaders and administrators who seek to create the structures and processes needed to increase state capacity and benefit from participation in an increasingly integrated and interdependent world.  More >

Rural Progress, Rural Decay: Neoliberal Adjustment Policies and Local Initiatives

Liisa L. North and John D. Cameron, editors
How do rural development programs, especially those run by nongovernmental organizations, cope in a time of structural adjustment programs and economical liberalization? Using Ecuador as a representative example, the authors of Rural Progress, Rural Decay explore the consequences of neoliberal macroeconomic policies for equitable development—and demonstrate that NGOs can make little headway  More >

Growing a Global Village: Making History at Seabrook Farms

Charles H. Harrison
In the first half of the twentieth century, a small corner of southern New Jersey became the first and probably the only rural global village of its kind and size in America. Here, in a township that did not appear on most state maps, thousands of men, women, and children from more than 20 countries and speaking as many languages, most of them uprooted and displaced by war or poverty, came to work  More >

Rethinking Tourism and Ecotravel, Second Edition

Deborah McLaren
Although it promises great benefits to hosts and guests alike, tourism often has resulted in painful consequences both for local host communities and for the environment. Deborah McLaren explores how communities around the world, especially indigenous peoples, have responded to the challenges and opportunities that tourism and ecotravel bring.  More >

Protecting the Future: HIV Prevention, Care and Support Among Displaced and War-Affected Populations

Wendy Holmes (for the International Rescue Committee)
Protecting the Future outlines a practical, step-by-step process for the design and implementation of HIV programs among displaced and war-affected populations.  More >

Feeding the Market: South American Farmers, Trade and Globalization

Jon Hellin and Sophie Higman
Based on extensive fieldwork from the sweeping grasslands of Patagonia to the coffee farms of Ecuador, the authors illustrate the practical obstacles that farmers face in accessing markets, especially the difficulties of meeting market demands for large quantities of high quality produce in continuous supply. By focusing on eight different products—bananas, coffee, potatoes, coca, wine,  More >

War and Intervention: Issues for Contemporary Peace Operations

Michael V. Bhatia
War and Intervention explains how armed forces, aid agencies, and transitional adminsitrations in war-affected countries have adapted to the changing circumstances of modern war and conflict. It uses a broad range of cases to introduce the reader to the dynamics on the ground. Bhatia's analysis becomes all the more important at a time when the debate continues about the United States's  More >

Worlds Apart: Civil Society and the Battle for Ethical Globalization

John D. Clark
In Worlds Apart, John Clark shows us how the same opportunities and threats that have caused such rapid change in the economic and corporate worlds are also transforming the citizen's sector.  More >
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