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Sexual Violence: Policies, Practices, and Challenges in the United States and Canada

James F. Hodgson and Debra S. Kelley, editors
Have recent US and Canadian reforms changed institutional responses to the crime of rape and the treatment of rape victims? Exploring this issue, the authors present multidisciplinary perspectives on the effectiveness of rape law reforms, debates on chemical castration, the policing of sexual violence, cyber rape, the role of sexual assault treatment programs, sexual assault among prisoners, the  More >

Adult Corrections: International Systems and Perspectives

John A. Winterdyk, editor
In this text, prominent resident scholars present comprehensive overviews of the adult corrections systems of Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, India, Iran, Japan, Namibia, Romania and the US. These national profiles provide a rare comparative and international perspective on corrections trends, issues and problems. The national profiles are complemented by the editor's introduction and  More >

Why Muslims Rebel: Repression and Resistance in the Islamic World

Mohammed M. Hafez, with a foreword by Fred Halliday
Now available in paperback! Rejecting theories of economic deprivation and psychological alienation, Mohammed Hafez offers a provocative analysis of the factors that contribute to protracted violence in the Muslim world today. Hafez combines a sophisticated theoretical approach and detailed case studies to show that the primary source of Islamist insurgencies lies in the repressive political  More >

Fixing African Economies: Policy Research for Development

Lucie Colvin Phillips and Diery Seck, editors
When African countries embarked on the first round of structural adjustments in the 1980s and 1990s, there was little opportunity to first determine what programs would work where—instead, governments reluctantly implemented policies that were imposed by international financial institutions and based on theoretical models. The ensuing process was eventful—and the results  More >

Understanding and Preventing Car Theft

Michael G. Maxfield and Ronald V. Clarke, editors
Thefts of and from autos are among the most commonly reported crimes, and they account for the highest losses among property crimes that target individuals (except for arson). But according to this new book, recent initiatives in the U.S., Europe and Australia have proven effective or are showing promise in preventing car theft.  More >

Housing Microfinance: A Guide to Practice

Franck Daphnis and Bruce Ferguson, editors
Housing Microfinance, a comprehensive overview of housing microfinance worldwide, provides solid guidance for both international and domestic microfinance institutions that are considering expanding into housing, as well as for providers of conventional housing loans who seek to offer their services to poor clients who lack collateral or regular income.  More >

Progress of the World’s Women 2002: Volume 2, Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals

United Nations Development Fund for Women
Tackling the challenges of tracking and determining progress for women relative to the commitments made in the Millennium Development Goals of 2000, this report outlines goals, targets, and indicators using comparative data; charts female literacy, enrollment in education, wage employment, seats in government, and infection with HIV/AIDS; and highlights innovations in measuring and monitoring  More >

Development and the Learning Organisation

Laura Roper, Jethro Pettit, and Deborah Eade, editors
As development NGOs and aid agencies embrace the idea of "becoming a learning organization," they are increasingly concerned with issues of knowledge generation. This collection, drawn from the contents of the acclaimed journal Development in Practice, presents the work of  development scholars and practitioners from a range of institutional backgrounds, some introducing new  More >

Development Methods and Approaches: Critical Reflections

Deborah Eade, editor
Many aid agencies advocate approaches to development that are people-centered, participatory, empowering, and gender-fair. This volume explores the middle ground between such values-based approaches and the methods and techniques that the agencies adopt. Contributors argue that tools and methods will contribute to a values-based approach only if those using them have a serious commitment to a  More >

Buddhism at Work: Community Development, Social Empowerment and the Sarvodaya Movement

George D. Bond
In Buddhism at Work, George Bond explores the vision and evolution of Sri Lanka's Sarvodaya Shramadana movement—now an international movement and NGO—whose individual and group members promote Gandhian and Buddhist ideals as they seek to bring about political and economic change through grassroots cooperative work.  More >
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