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Confronting School Bullying: Kids, Culture, and the Making of a Social Problem

Jeffrey W. Cohen and Robert A. Brooks
Is bullying an innocent part of growing up ... or a serious problem requiring large-scale policy remedies? What is behind our rapidly changing perceptions of  "acceptable" behavior? And when is the remedy worse than the problem? In their in-depth view of school bullying, Jeffrey Cohen and Robert Brooks navigate between empirical evidence and breathless media accounts to make sense  More >

Waging War Without Warriors? The Changing Culture of Military Conflict

Christopher Coker
In the past, posits Christopher Coker, wars were all-encompassing; they were a test not only of individual bravery, but of an entire community's will to survive. In the West today, in contrast, wars are tools of foreign policy, not intrinsic to the values of a society—they are instrumental rather than existential. The clash between these two "cultures of war" can be seen  More >

Democratization and the Mischief of Faction

Benjamin R. Cole
Why do new democracies succeed in some cases and struggle, backslide, or revert entirely to autocracy in others? What are the specific policies and practices at play? To answer these questions, Benjamin Cole turns to James Madison's "mischief of faction," drawing on a broad array of detailed case studies to demonstrate that factionalism is the most powerful predictor of adverse  More >

African Actors in International Security: Shaping Contemporary Norms

Katharina P. Coleman and Thomas K. Tieku, editors
What impact have African actors had on perceptions of and responses to current international security challenges? Are there international peace and security norms with African roots? How can actors that lack the power and financial resources of Western states help to shape prevailing conceptions of appropriate behavior in international politics? Addressing these questions, the authors of  More >

Security and Southeast Asia: Domestic, Regional, and Global Issues

Alan Collins
From internal oppression in Burma to interstate conflict in the South China Sea, the people of Southeast Asia face a range of threats. This book identifies and explains the security challenges confronting the region. Collins addresses the full spectrum of security issues, discussing the impact of ethnic tensions and competing political ideologies, the evolving role of ASEAN, and Southeast  More >

The Politics of Memory in Chile: From Pinochet to Bachelet

Cath Collins, Katherine Hite, and Alfredo Joignant, editors
How do individual and collective memories of the repressive Pinochet regime affect the fabric of Chilean politics and society today? How have the politics of memory in Chile—including the official policies and symbolic representations that address the painful violations of the past—evolved over the years since Pinochet's demise? The authors of this important new book provide an  More >

Gay and Lesbian Cops: Diversity and Effective Policing

Roddrick A. Colvin
Roddrick Colvin assesses the impact of lesbian and gay police officers on law enforcement in the US and the UK, as well as the policies that enable a diverse work environment. Colvin tracks the evolution of police agencies toward being more "gay friendly" both as employers and as service providers. He also provides insights into the day-to-day barriers and opportunities that lesbian  More >

Manufacturing Insecurity: The Rise and Fall of Brazil's Military-Industrial Complex

Ken Conca
Manufacturing Insecurity provides a sobering analysis of an extraordinary boom and bust story: Nurtured by military rule and expanding international markets, Brazil's defense sector emerged as a Third World leader in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Within a decade, a country that had been almost totally dependent on outside suppliers became a significant manufacturer for the global market in  More >

Heremakhonon [a novel]

Maryse Condé, translated by Richard Philcox
Veronica Mercier, a sophisticated Caribbean woman teaching and living in Paris, journeys to West Africa in pursuit of her "identity." There, she becomes involved with a prominent political figure—and must find her way among the often misleading guises of ambition, idealism, and violence. Conveying a mosaic of feelings (from childhood and adolescence in Guadeloupe, university days  More >

On the German Art of War: Truppenführung

translated and edited by Bruce Condell and David T. Zabecki
A Selection of the Military Book Club Truppenführung, the twentieth-century equivalent of Sun Tzu's Art of War, served as the basic manual for the German army from 1934 to the end of World War II. This astonishing document provided the doctrinal framework for blitzkrieg and, as a consequence, for the victories of Hitler's armies. Rather than giving German military leaders a  More >
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