- 2018/308 pages
African Actors in International Security:
Shaping Contemporary Norms
Hardcover: $95.00
ISBN: 978-1-62637-696-0
Ebook: $95.00
ISBN: 978-1-62637-729-5
What impact have African actors had on perceptions of and responses to current international security challenges? Are there international peace and security norms with African roots? How can actors that lack the power and financial resources of Western states help to shape prevailing conceptions of appropriate behavior in international politics?
Addressing these questions, the authors of African Actors in International Security identify and explore the diverse pathways by which African governments, IGOs, NGOs, and individuals can and do influence the normative structure of contemporary international relations.
Addressing these questions, the authors of African Actors in International Security identify and explore the diverse pathways by which African governments, IGOs, NGOs, and individuals can and do influence the normative structure of contemporary international relations.