- 2012/213 pages
Gay and Lesbian Cops:
Diversity and Effective Policing
Hardcover: $72.00
ISBN: 978-1-58826-837-2
Ebook: $72.00
ISBN: 978-1-58826-934-8
Roddrick Colvin assesses the impact of lesbian and gay police officers on law enforcement in the US and the UK, as well as the policies that enable a diverse work environment.
Colvin tracks the evolution of police agencies toward being more "gay friendly" both as employers and as service providers. He also provides insights into the day-to-day barriers and opportunities that lesbian and gay officers experience working within organizations that traditionally have been hostile to them. Integrating quantitative and qualitative research, he offers a compelling demonstration that police agencies can best fulfill their missions when they are representative of the communities they serve.
Colvin tracks the evolution of police agencies toward being more "gay friendly" both as employers and as service providers. He also provides insights into the day-to-day barriers and opportunities that lesbian and gay officers experience working within organizations that traditionally have been hostile to them. Integrating quantitative and qualitative research, he offers a compelling demonstration that police agencies can best fulfill their missions when they are representative of the communities they serve.