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Understanding the Contemporary Middle East, 5th edition

Jillian Schwedler, editor
The previous edition of Understanding the Contemporary Middle East was published soon after the Arab uprisings, and the authors—writing across disciplines—captured those moments of possibility. Now, more than six years later, the Middle East is substantially changed, with three protracted civil wars, several retrenched authoritarian regimes, possibly one emerging democracy, and social  More >

Corporations vs. the Court: Private Power, Public Interests

David Sciulli
This original book looks methodically at corporate law, corporate governance, and judicial practice from the perspective of social theory. Sciulli explores whether there are identifiable limits—legal or normative—to corporate power in any democratic society; when the corporate judiciary in the U.S. maintains those limits, despite the pressures of intensifying global economic  More >

Gender and Development: Rethinking Modernization and Dependency Theory

Catherine V. Scott
Scott demonstrates that many prevailing ideas about development, dependency, capitalism, and socialism are anchored in the social constructions of gender differences. Early modernization theorists, points out Scott, often juxtaposed modernity and tradition in ways reminiscent of Enlightenment dichotomies that pitted the rational, productive city against the particularistic, fragmented, and  More >

Prices, Products, and People: Analyzing Agricultural Markets in Developing Countries

Gregory J. Scott, editor
Markets for agricultural commodities in developing countries are changing rapidly. Population growth, rural-urban migration, technological innovation, environmental concerns, and policy shifts—both domestic and international—are but a few of the more prominent factors introducing new pressures to which markets must respond. This book addresses the critical task of understanding these  More >

International Law and Politics: Key Documents

Shirley V. Scott, editor
Unique in its breadth of coverage, this carefully designed collection presents the key documents of international law at the global level. The collection encompasses the full spectrum of central issues, with the documents grouped in eight subject areas: foundations, the use of force, arms control, international crime, human rights, humanitarian law, the environment, and the global commons. A  More >

International Law in World Politics: An Introduction, 3rd edition

Shirley V. Scott
Reflecting a dramatically changing global context, the third edition of International Law in World Politics introduces the actors, structures, processes, and issues of international law in a way that makes sense to students of political science. Features of the new edition include: • current case studies that bring the subject to life. • an entirely new chapter on international  More >

Adventures in Zambian Politics: A Story in Black and White

Guy Scott
As Miles Larmer writes in the foreword, Adventures in Zambian Politics is unlike any political memoir you have ever read. It is ... A political history of Zambia from colonial times to the present. A revealing insider account of politics and government within a modern African state. A story about race in Africa. A chronicle of the rise and fall of two improbable political allies who wanted to  More >

Democratic Chile: The Politics and Policies of a Historic Coalition, 1990–2010

Kirsten Sehnbruch and Peter M. Siavelis, editors
How was Chile transformed both politically and economically during the two decades of center-left coalition (Concertación) government that followed the country's return to democracy in 1990? How did the coalition manage to hold on to power for so long—but not longer? And were its policies in fact substantially different from those that preceded them? Addressing these questions,  More >

Development and Underdevelopment: The Political Economy of Global Inequality, 5th edition

Mitchell A. Seligson and John T Passé-Smith, editors
The fifth edition of this classic reader retains many of the articles that have made the book a must-assign for classes on development and political economy, but has been updated with 14 new chapters that look even more deeply at long-term factors that help to explain the origins and current trends in the gap between rich and poor. An entirely new section focuses on natural resource and  More >

Sex as a Political Variable: Women as Candidates and Voters in U.S. Elections

Richard A. Seltzer, Jody Newman, and Melissa Vorhees Leighton
Though women constitute 52 percent of U.S. voters, as of October, 1996 only 10 percent of the members of Congress and one of the 50 state governors are women. Why, more than 75 years after they won the right to vote, are women so severely underrepresented in elected office? Why does it seem that, as voters, their influence is not equal to their numbers? Much of the conventional wisdom and  More >
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