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Ritual and Symbol in Peacebuilding

Lisa Schirch
Conflict is dramatic. In theater, literature, story telling, and news reporting, it is a powerful mechanism that draws attention, heightens the senses and evokes emotion. Schirch argues that peacebuilding has the potential to do just the same. Examples of peacebuilding often center on the serious, rational negotiations and formal problem-solving efforts in conflict situations. Schirch argues,  More >

Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planning: Toward a Participatory Approach to Human Security

Lisa Schirch
A Global Observatory Must-Read Book in Peace and Security! Offering a systematic approach that links practical conflict-assessment exercises to the design, planning, monitoring, and evaluation of peacebuilding efforts, Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planning has been carefully—and realistically—designed to enhance the effectiveness of peacebuilding practice. Lisa Schirch  More >

A Taste of Bitter Almonds: Perdition and Promise in South Africa

Michael Schmidt
The year 1994 symbolized the triumphal defeat in South Africa of almost three-and-a-half centuries of racial separation—dating from 1659, the year the Dutch East India Company planted a bitter almond hedge to keep indigenous people out of the company's Cape outpost. But, Michael Schmidt reminds us, for the majority of people in what remains one of the world’s most unequal  More >

Drinking with Ghosts: The Aftermath of Apartheid’s Dirty War

Michael Schmidt
Veteran journalist Michael Schmidt explores of the dark corners of South Africa's past, tracing the strains of secrecy, violence, and abuse of privilege that reverberate even today in the country's  deeply unequal society. The book is also a testament to Schmidt's career as a journalist: his uncompromising quest to uncover the truth in what he finds shines through on every page.  More >

The Politics of English in Puerto Rico’s Public Schools

Jorge R. Schmidt
How have colonial and partisan politics in Puerto Rico affected the language used in public schools? What can we learn from the conflict over the place of English in Puerto Rican society? How has the role of English evolved over time? Addressing these questions, Jorge Schmidt incisively explores the complex relationships among politics, language, and education in Puerto Rico from 1898, when Spain  More >

Understanding Contemporary Africa, 6th edition

Peter J. Schraeder, editor
The sixth edition of Understanding Contemporary Africa, and the first under the editorship of Peter Schraeder, combines the strengths of the previous editions with coverage of new topics suggested over the years by the many instructors who regularly assign the text in their classes. Entirely new chapters on the politics of public health, the changing roles of women, LGBTIQ rights, environmental  More >

Exporting Democracy: Rhetoric vs. Reality

Peter Schraeder, editor
In recent years, debates within academic and policymaking circles have gradually shifted—from a Cold War focus on whether democracy constitutes the best form of governance, to the question of whether (and to what degree) international actors should be actively involved in democracy promotion. This book offers the first comprehensive analysis of international efforts to promote democracy  More >

Tectonic Shifts: Haiti Since the Earthquake

Mark Schuller and Pablo Morales, editors
Tectonic Shifts offers compelling on-the-ground perspectives on the aftermath of Haiti's cataclysmic earthquake. Following a critical analysis of the country's heightened vulnerability as a result of centuries of underdevelopment and misguided foreign aid interventions, the authors address a range of contemporary realities, foreign impositions, and political changes in the relief and  More >

Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Sexual Assault: Challenging the Myths

Corina Schulze, Sarah Koon-Magnin, and Valerie Bryan
Winner of the American Society of Criminology’s Division on Women & Crime Book Award! The underlying argument of this groundbreaking study is this: Sexual orientation and gender identity influence how sexual assault is experienced, how it is perceived, and ultimately, how victims (and perpetrators) are treated by the criminal justice system. Focusing much of their work on the queer  More >

NATO and the Middle East: In Search of a Strategy

Rolf Schwarz
Over the course of more than seven decades, NATO has sought, but not settled on, an effective strategy for interacting with its neighbors in the Middle East and North Africa. Rolf Schwarz traces the evolution of NATO's engagement with its neighboring region—including the launching of the Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative—and assesses its potential for  More >
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