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African Literature and Intellectual Histories: Reflecting on Ntongela Masilela’s Work

Busani Ngcaweni, editor
Ntongela Masilela (1948–2020) is perhaps best known for collecting, archiving, and expounding on the works of South African and other African intellectuals—most notably members of the New African Movement—who historically had been overlooked or forgotten. Busani Ngcaweni presents a selection of Masilela's most important essays, prefacing each with an illuminating introduction  More >

"Pariah States" and Sanctions in the Middle East: Iraq, Libya, Sudan

Tim Niblock
Now Available in Paperback! UN sanctions have become an increasingly popular weapon in the political armory of the international community—a supposedly effective means, short of war, of bringing a transgressor state- back in line. Tim Niblock challenges this view in a dispassionate analysis of the political, economic, and psychological impact of sanctions on the Middle East's  More >

Race, Class, and the State in Contemporary Sociology: The William Julius Wilson Debates

Jack Niemonen
A comprehensive guide to the current race-class debate in sociology, Race,Class, and the State traces the evolution of the controversy and analyzes current trends in the field. Focusing on the work legacy of William Julius Wilson and the arguments of his longstanding critics, Niemonen deftly illustrates the strengths, weaknesses, and influence of Wilson's work. His fair-minded but critical  More >

Baltic Security Strategy Report: What the Baltics Can Offer for a Stronger Alliance

Olevs Nikers and Otto Tabuns, editors
This in-depth security review of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania assesses current challenges pertaining to defense and deterrence, societal security and resilience, economic security, and cybersecurity. The authors also explore potential avenues for subregional cooperation, offering detailed recommendations on how best to proceed with a more coherent, goal-oriented, and efficient cooperation  More >

Baltic Sea Security: Regional and Sectoral Perspectives

Olevs Nikers and Otto Tabuns, editors
Baltic Sea Security offers a multifaceted discussion of the complex security issues affecting the Baltic region—with important implications for the cohesion of the wider transatlantic alliance. Regional and international experts provide in-depth analysis of the current levels of defense and security cooperation among the Western countries in the Baltic basin, focusing on military  More >

Between Brussels and Beijing: The Transatlantic Response to China’s Presence in the Baltic Sea Region

Olevs Nikers and Otto Tabuns, editors
China's growing presence in the strategically important Nordic-Baltic region has implications not only for the region itself, but also for general transatlantic relations. Within that context, the authors of Between Brussels and Beijing present in-depth country studies that highlight current challenges and point to opportunities for improved regional and transatlantic security.  More >

Asia-Pacific Small States: Political Economies of Resilience

Stephen Noakes and Alexander C. Tan, editors
Both the spread of Covid-19 and the intense US-China rivalry have been sources of stress for national economies throughout Asia Pacific. The authors of Asia-Pacific Small States, eschewing the usual focus on the region's powerhouses, turn their attention instead to the coping strategies of the smaller economies. Showing how these smaller states have been navigating the current turbulent times,  More >

Anthropology in Practice: Building a Career Outside the Academy

Riall W. Nolan
How can students and scholars effectively prepare for—and succeed at—a career as a nonacademic practicing anthropologist? This comprehensive guide, full of practical detail, presents the answers. Nolan relates how students, recent graduates, and beginning professionals can acquire and use the skills essential for work as a practitioner. A key feature of his book is its comprehensive  More >

Political and Economic Liberalization: Dynamics and Linkages in Comparative Perspective

Gerd Nonneman, editor
Even amid the apparent post–Cold War consensus, the benefits and drawbacks of economic and political liberalization remain controversial. At the same time, explanations for the recent surge in these processes, and for the forms they have taken, remain fragmentary. Likewise, the linkages between the two remain under-researched—despite many sweeping assertions of a positive  More >

Bringing the Food Economy Home: Local Alternatives to Global Agribusiness

Helena Norberg-Hodge, Todd Merrifield, and Steven Gorelick
If the many social, environmental, and economic crises facing the planet are to be reversed, argue the authors of Bringing the Food Economy Home, local food economies must be rebuilt. Their thought-provoking analysis demonstrates how bringing food production to a local level revitalizes rural economies in both the developing and the industrialized worlds at the same time that it benefits consumers  More >
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