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The Coloured Bangles & Other Short Stories

Saloni Narang
Narang describes India as a land that lives simultaneously in several centuries, “accepting much and rejecting nothing.” It is a place of contrasts and contradictions, “where volatile emotions see-saw against a phlegmatic acceptance of the writ of fate.” Her stories, set in northern India—sometimes in the westernized homes of the educated elite, sometimes in the mud  More >

Living Our Religions: Hindu and Muslim South Asian—American Women Narrate Their Experiences

Anjana Narayan and Bandana Purkayastha
Living Our Religions sheds important light on the lives of Hindu and Muslim American women of South Asian origin. As the authors reveal their diverse and culturally dynamic religious practices, describe the race, gender, and ethnic boundaries that they encounter, and document how they resist and challenge these boundaries, they cut through the myths and ethnocentrism of popular portrayals to  More >

Explaining ASEAN: Regionalism in Southeast Asia

Shaun Narine
Is ASEAN the foundation of a strong regional community in Southeast Asia? Or is it no more than an instrument used by its members to advance their individual interests? Addressing these questions, Shaun Narine offers a comprehensive political analysis of ASEAN from its creation in 1967 through the events of 2001. Reflecting both the accomplishments and the limitations of the organization,  More >

The New ASEAN in Asia Pacific and Beyond

Shaun Narine
Refuting criticisms that call into question the effectiveness, and even the purpose, of ASEAN, Shaun Narine traces the organization's political and economic development and explores its impact within Southeast Asia and beyond. Narine considers ASEAN's role both regionally and with regard to the external powers—China, the United States, Japan, Russia, and increasingly  More >

Critical Perspectives on Sam Selvon

Susheila Nasta, editor
This groundbreaking study of prolific Trinidadian writer Sam Selvon includes background essays, interviews with Selvon, and critical assessments of his ten novels and collected short stories. An extensive bibliography and notes on the contributors are included. In addition to Sam Selvon, the contributors to the work include Whitney Balliett, Harold Barratt, Edward Baugh, Frank Birbalsingh, E.K.  More >

Illegal Drug Markets: From Research to Prevention Policy

Mangai Natarajan and Mike Hough, editors

Dilemmas of Reform in Jiang Zemin's China

Andrew J. Nathan, Zhaohui Hong, and Steven R. Smith, editors
As China enters a stage of economic reform more challenging and risky than any that has gone before, the pressure for political liberalization grows apace. This volume explores the dilemmas of this new phase of complex change. The authors—most of whom write with the insight that comes from having lived and worked within the Chinese system—analyze how the evolution of China’s  More >

The Rise of China’s Industrial Policy, 1978 to 2020

Barry Naughton
Can China's remarkable, rapid emergence as a large economy and technological power be attributed to specific policies, and more generally to a Chinese program of industrial policy? More simply put: What is it that China has done right? This is the fundamental question that Barry Naughton addresses in his extended essay. Disentangling the threads of China's industrial policies since  More >

Latino Political Power, 2nd edition

Sharon A. Navarro and Kim Geron
This new, fully revised edition of Latino Political Power reflects a diverse community evolving in its ethnic, racial, and sexual identities, as well as in its voting behavior and party affiliations. Sharon Navarro and Kim Geron map the transformation of Latino political power from the 1960s to the present. Comprehensive and accessible, their analysis of the complex processes of political  More >

Anatomy of the ANC in Power: Insights from Port Elizabeth, 1990-2019

Mcebisi Ndletyana
Choice Outstanding Academic Book! Observers reacted with shock to the 2016 African National Congress electoral loss in Port Elizabeth, once an ANC stronghold. Yet, argues Mcebisi Ndletyana, that loss should not have come as a surprise—nor, perhaps, should the subsequent absence of reforms within the party. Ndletyana explores power and politics in Port Elizabeth since 1990, tracing the  More >
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