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The Congress Movement, Volume 1: The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961

Sylvia Neame
The Congress Movement, based on primary and secondary sources including some 80 interviews dating back to the early 1960s, uniquely combines narrative and analysis.  Volume 1 traces the unfolding of the congress movement from its beginnings early in the 20th Century and looks at socialist and other forces that played an integral part in its formation. The 1918-1920 upsurge, which included  More >

The Congress Movement, Volume 2: The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961

Sylvia Neame
The Congress Movement, based on primary and secondary sources including some 80 interviews dating back to the early 1960s, uniquely combines narrative and analysis. Volume 2 examines the intricate development of the ICU and the ANC in the second half of the 1920s. Various trends of reformism and radicalism affected these two organizations. This later led to the beginning of the breakup of the  More >

The Congress Movement, Volume 3: The Unfolding of the Congress Alliance 1912-1961

Sylvia Neame
The Congress Movement, based on primary and secondary sources including some 80 interviews dating back to the early 1960s, uniquely combines narrative and analysis. Volume 3 explores how the ANC emerges and stps into its primary role as a national liberation movement resulting from a complex process stretching from the 1920s to the beginning of the 1960s. A key theme in this context is the  More >

The Drama of the Peace Process in South Africa: I Look Back 30 Years

Sylvia Neame
Historian Sylvia Neame portrays, from a unique vantage point, the unfolding of the peace process in South Africa in the late 1980s and early 1990s. As a scholar, a member of the African National Congress and the South African Communist Party, and a former prisoner of the apartheid regime, Neame weaves together her personal contributions with historical accounts to offer rare insight into the  More >

The European Union: Readings on the Theory and Practice of European Integration, 4th edition

Brent F. Nelsen and Alexander Stubb, editors
The fourth edition of this popular reader, thoroughly updated, introduces students to both the concept of a united Europe and to integration theory. The expanded first two sections of the book now present the visions of the primary shapers of the union and its fundamental documents, as well as early currents in integration theory. The completely revised third and fourth sections explore recent  More >

Apples of Gold in Filigrees of Silver: Jewish Writing in the Eye of the Spanish Inquisition

Colbert I. Nepaulsingh
During the Spanish Inquisition, daring individuals defied and thwarted persecution by writing works in which hidden meanings were apparent only to Jews or fellow conversos, the descendants of Jewish converts to Christianity. Colbert Nepaulsingh analyzes three seminal, sixteenth-century novels as converso works—Lazarillo, a prototype of the picaresque novel; El Abencerraje, of the Moorish  More >

Turkish Short Stories from Four Decades

Aziz Nesin, translated and introduced by Louis Mitler
These twenty stories show the broad range of iconoclast, fabulist, realist, satirist, avant- gardist Aziz Nesin (1915-1995), long considered a major voice in contemporary Turkish fiction. Like many Turkish writers, Nesin was born into poverty, saw his work censured, and suffered imprisonment; as these stories demonstrate, however, his voice is very much his own, rich with insights into the social  More >

The Democratic Republic of Congo: Economic Dimensions of War and Peace

Michael Nest, with François Grignon and Emizet F. Kisangani
Despite the prominent role that competition over natural resources has played in some of Africa's most intractable conflicts, little research has been devoted to what the economic dimensions of armed conflict mean for peace operations and efforts to reconstruct war-torn states. Redressing this gap, this volume analyzes the challenges that the war economy posed, and continues to pose, for  More >

Writing Disability: A Critical History

Sara Newman
What accounts for the differing ways that individuals and cultures have tried to make sense of mental and physical disabilities? Can we see a pattern of change over time? Sara Newman examines personal narratives across a broad sweep of history—from ancient Greece to the present day—to reveal the interplay of dynamics that have shaped both personal and societal conceptions of mental and  More >

Surprising News: How the Media Affect—and Do Not Affect—Politics

Kenneth Newton
What role do the media play in influencing political life and shaping public opinion and behavior? Do they support—or undermine—our democratic beliefs and institutions? Claims about the media’s powerful influence are frequently made, but where is the evidence? Kenneth Newton scrutinizes these complex questions. Recognizing that differing forms of political communication have  More >
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