Development Studies

Mediating Sustainability: Growing Policy from the Grassroots
Jutta Blauert and Simon Zadek, editors

Focusing on efforts in Latin America aimed at achieving sustainable agricultural and rural development, the authors describe successful initiatives that seek to distill and articulate    More >

Women and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Power, Opportunities, and Constraints
Marianne Bloch, Josephine A. Beoku-Betts, and B. Robert Tabachnick, editors

This volume focuses on gender and education in sub-Saharan Africa, considering in particular the impact formal and nonformal education have had on African women. A variety of country    More >

Buddhism at Work: Community Development, Social Empowerment and the Sarvodaya Movement
George D. Bond

In Buddhism at Work, George Bond explores the vision and evolution of Sri Lanka's Sarvodaya Shramadana movement—now an international movement and NGO—whose individual and    More >

Tourists, Migrants, and Refugees: Population Movements in Third World Development
Milica Z. Bookman

As travelers increasingly seek out the exotic wildlife and idyllic sunsets of the developing world, a complex relationship involving tourism, the migration of workers, and the involuntary    More >

Peddling Paradise: The Politics of Tourism in Latin America
Kirk S. Bowman

With tourism lauded throughout Latin America as a sure engine of economic growth, actual performance in the sector has varied to an extreme degree. Kirk Bowman asks why. Why did states    More >

Peace and the Public Purse: Economic Policies for Postwar Statebuilding
James K. Boyce and Madalene O'Donnell, editors

In the aftermath of violent conflict, how do the economic challenges of statebuilding intersect with the political challenges of peacebuilding? How can the international community help lay    More >

Down to Earth: Community Perspectives on Health, Development, and the Environment
Bonnie Bradford and Margaret A. Gwynne, editors

The authors explore linkages among health, development, and environmental issues, focusing on the interdependent issues of poverty, violence, excessive resource use, and irresponsible    More >

Developing Brazil:  Overcoming the Failure of the Washington Consensus
Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira

After the 1994 Real Plan ended fourteen years of high inflation in Brazil, the country’s economy was expected—mistakenly—to grow quickly. Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira    More >

Diasporas and Development: Exploring the Potential
Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff, editor

For some time in diaspora studies, attention to remittances has overshadowed the growing impact of emigrant groups both within the social and political arenas in their homelands and with    More >

Working for Change: Making a Career in International Public Service
Derick W. Brinkerhoff and Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff

A Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Finalist for 2005 Derick and Jennifer Brinkerhoff explore career paths in international public service, focusing on development management positions    More >

Managing Policy Reform: Concepts and Tools for Decision-Makers in Developing and Transitioning Countries
Derick W. Brinkerhoff and Benjamin L. Crosby

Based on experience in more than 40 countries, this comprehensive, practical guide provides concepts and tools for navigating the effective implementation of policy reforms designed to    More >

Partnership for International Development: Rhetoric or Results?
Jennifer M. Brinkerhoff

In the search for institutional models that can deliver more and better development outcomes, partnership is arguably among the most popular solutions proposed. But the evidence of    More >

Security and Development in the Pacific Islands: Social Resilience in Emerging States
M. Anne Brown, editor

Reflecting a growing awareness of the need to integrate security and development agendas in the field of conflict management, the authors of this original volume focus on the case of the    More >

Reducing Poverty, Building Peace
Coralie Bryant and Christina Kappaz

Coralie Bryant and Christina Kappaz cogently argue that poverty reduction not only is possible, but also can build opportunities for peace. Integrating theoretical concepts with discussions    More >

Tapping Philanthropy for Development: Lessons Learned from a Public-Private Partnership in Rural Uganda
Lorna Michael Butler and Della E. McMillan, editors

In telling the story of an innovative program based at Iowa State University (ISU), Lorna Michael Butler, Della McMillan, and their colleagues offer practical, step-by-step advice critical    More >

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